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- Volodymyr Galagan
Volodymyr Galagan

Volodymyr Galagan
Head of the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law
Doctor of Law, Professor.
Education - higher law: in 1982 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
In 2004, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: «Legal and criminological problems of improving criminal procedural activity (based on the materials of the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine).» From October 1982 to October 1989, he worked as an investigator, senior investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of Kyiv, after which he joined the adjunct faculty of the Kyiv Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR named F. E. Dzerzhynskyi. During the period of study at the adjunct faculty, he prepared and in June 1992 successfully defended his candidate's thesis on the topic: «Usage of information by investigators at the initial stage of the investigation» in specialty 12.00.09 - criminal process and criminology; forensic examination. From June 1992 to August 2010, he worked in the specified educational institution as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, deputy head of the department, head of the department, professor. After his retirement from the internal affairs bodies for years of service, from August 2010 to September 2018, he worked as a professor of the Department of Branch Legal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», and now he is elected by competition to the position of the head of the Department of Criminal and criminal procedural law.
Teaches disciplines: criminal procedural law, criminology, judicial and law enforcement bodies of Ukraine, investigation of corruption offenses. The main areas of scientific research are the theory of forensic evidence, criminal procedural activity of pre-trial investigation bodies, tactics of individual investigative (search) actions, use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings.
Prepared 2 doctors and 12 candidates of legal sciences by specialty 12.00.09.
Main publications:
Halahan, V. I., & Kanfui, I. V. (2018). Protsesualni pravovidnosyny slidchoho, prokurora ta slidchoho suddi na stadii dosudovoho rozsliduvannia [Procedural legal relations of the investigator, prosecutor and investigating judge at the stage of pre-trial investigation]. Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute (UkrDGRI) [in Ukrainian].
Halahan, V. I., & Udovenko, Zh. V. (2019). Kryminalistyka v testakh [Forensics in tests]. Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Halahan, V. I., Dudarets, R. M., & Cherniavskyi, S. S. (2021). Osnovy metodyky rozsliduvannia stvorennia ne peredbachenykh zakonom voienizovanykh abo zbroinykh formuvan [Basics of investigation methodology the creation of not provided for by law paramilitary or armed formations]. Maslakov [in Ukrainian].
Galagan, Volodymyr I., Ablamskyi, Serhii Ye., Udovenko, Zhаnnа V., & Ablamska, Victoria V. (2021). Judicial control as a guarantee of non-interference in private life during the pre-trial investigation: an observation under the European Court of Human Rights. DIXI, 23(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.16925/2357-5891.2021.02.12
Fomina, Tatiana H., Galagan, Volodymyr I., Udovenko, Zhanna V., Ablamskyi, Serhii Ye., & Koniushenko, Yana Yu. (2023). Extradition: the European Court of Human Rights and the Ukrainian experience. Relações Internacionais no Mundo Atual, 3(41), 489–505. http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i41.6402
Ablamskyi, Serhii, Galagan, Volodymyr, Basysta, Iryna, & Udovenko, Zhаnnа. (2023). Detention of a person suspected of committing a criminal offense during martial law in Ukraine. Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas, 13(3), 452–467. https://doi.org/10.5102/rbpp.v13i3.9129
Basysta, I. V., Galagan, V. I., & Udovenko, Zh. V. (2023). Povnovazhennia prokurora na provedennia protsesualnykh dii u kryminalnomu provadzhenni: okremi problemy [Authority of the prosecutor to conduct procedural actions in criminal proceedings: separate problems]. Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia “Yurydychni nauky” [Kherson State University Herald. Series “Legal Sciences”], (1), 16–25. https://doi.org/10.32999/ksu2307-8049/2023-1-3 [in Ukrainian].
Education - higher law: in 1982 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
In 2004, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: «Legal and criminological problems of improving criminal procedural activity (based on the materials of the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine).» From October 1982 to October 1989, he worked as an investigator, senior investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of Kyiv, after which he joined the adjunct faculty of the Kyiv Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR named F. E. Dzerzhynskyi. During the period of study at the adjunct faculty, he prepared and in June 1992 successfully defended his candidate's thesis on the topic: «Usage of information by investigators at the initial stage of the investigation» in specialty 12.00.09 - criminal process and criminology; forensic examination. From June 1992 to August 2010, he worked in the specified educational institution as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, deputy head of the department, head of the department, professor. After his retirement from the internal affairs bodies for years of service, from August 2010 to September 2018, he worked as a professor of the Department of Branch Legal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», and now he is elected by competition to the position of the head of the Department of Criminal and criminal procedural law.
Teaches disciplines: criminal procedural law, criminology, judicial and law enforcement bodies of Ukraine, investigation of corruption offenses. The main areas of scientific research are the theory of forensic evidence, criminal procedural activity of pre-trial investigation bodies, tactics of individual investigative (search) actions, use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings.
Prepared 2 doctors and 12 candidates of legal sciences by specialty 12.00.09.
Main publications:
Halahan, V. I., & Kanfui, I. V. (2018). Protsesualni pravovidnosyny slidchoho, prokurora ta slidchoho suddi na stadii dosudovoho rozsliduvannia [Procedural legal relations of the investigator, prosecutor and investigating judge at the stage of pre-trial investigation]. Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute (UkrDGRI) [in Ukrainian].
Halahan, V. I., & Udovenko, Zh. V. (2019). Kryminalistyka v testakh [Forensics in tests]. Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Halahan, V. I., Dudarets, R. M., & Cherniavskyi, S. S. (2021). Osnovy metodyky rozsliduvannia stvorennia ne peredbachenykh zakonom voienizovanykh abo zbroinykh formuvan [Basics of investigation methodology the creation of not provided for by law paramilitary or armed formations]. Maslakov [in Ukrainian].
Galagan, Volodymyr I., Ablamskyi, Serhii Ye., Udovenko, Zhаnnа V., & Ablamska, Victoria V. (2021). Judicial control as a guarantee of non-interference in private life during the pre-trial investigation: an observation under the European Court of Human Rights. DIXI, 23(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.16925/2357-5891.2021.02.12
Fomina, Tatiana H., Galagan, Volodymyr I., Udovenko, Zhanna V., Ablamskyi, Serhii Ye., & Koniushenko, Yana Yu. (2023). Extradition: the European Court of Human Rights and the Ukrainian experience. Relações Internacionais no Mundo Atual, 3(41), 489–505. http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i41.6402
Ablamskyi, Serhii, Galagan, Volodymyr, Basysta, Iryna, & Udovenko, Zhаnnа. (2023). Detention of a person suspected of committing a criminal offense during martial law in Ukraine. Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas, 13(3), 452–467. https://doi.org/10.5102/rbpp.v13i3.9129
Basysta, I. V., Galagan, V. I., & Udovenko, Zh. V. (2023). Povnovazhennia prokurora na provedennia protsesualnykh dii u kryminalnomu provadzhenni: okremi problemy [Authority of the prosecutor to conduct procedural actions in criminal proceedings: separate problems]. Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia “Yurydychni nauky” [Kherson State University Herald. Series “Legal Sciences”], (1), 16–25. https://doi.org/10.32999/ksu2307-8049/2023-1-3 [in Ukrainian].
Main publications
Юридичні науки, 2013. − Т. 144-145. − С. 142–146.
Юридичні науки, 2014. − Т. 155. − С. 114–117.
Право України. − 2015. − № 7. − С. 9−15.
Криминалистика и судебная експертиза. – 2015. – Вип. 60. – С. 161–171.
Lodz, 2015. – № 3. – P. 113–137.
Київ, 2016. – 277 с.
К., 2016. – 141 с.
Міжнародний юридичний вісник: актуальні проблеми сучасності (теорія та практика). – 2017. – Вип. 1(5). – С. 73–79.
Краматорськ: ТОВ «Каштан», 2015. − 224 с.
Київ, 2017. – 168 с.
Київ, 2017. – 185 с.
+38(044) 425 60 73
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st. Voloska, 8/5
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 326
st. Voloska, 8/5