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- Yurii Ishchenko
Yurii Ishchenko

Yurii Ishchenko
Associate Professor of the Department of General Theory of Law and Public Law
Degree of Candidate of Science of Law (PhD).
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
For over twelve years Dr. Ishchenko has been working at the Faculty of Law of the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
In 1994, he studied at the School of Police Staff and Command, Northwestern University, USA.
In 2001, he studied at the National Police Training Center (Bramshill, UK).
Dr. Ishchenko has prepared 6 PhD graduates (Degree of Candidate of Science of Law).
He is the author and co-author of more than 80 works, including textbooks and manuals. He is the author and reviewer of test tasks of the exam for the qualification assessment of candidates for the position of a Supreme Court judge.
Main publications:
Ishchenko, Iu. (2016). Derzhavne upravlinnia spravamy yak subiekt pererozpodilu publichnoho resursu [The state management of affairs as the subject of redistribution of public resources]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (181), 91–95. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9861 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Iu. (2017). Zaokhochuvalni administratyvni protsedury: deiaki problemni pytannia realizatsii [The state management of affairs as the subject of redistribution of public resources]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (193), 41–45. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12453 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Yurii. (2018). Naukovi horyzonty administratyvnoho prava: tendentsii ta perspektyvy [Scientific horizons of administrative law: tendencies and perspectives]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (2), 79–92. https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2018.79-92 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Iurii. (2019). Zakhyst prava narodu na volevyiavlennia: administratyvno-deliktnyi aspekt [Protection of the people’s right to exercise their vote: aspect of administrative liability]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (4), 29–41. https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2019.4.29-41 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Yu. V., & Yakovenko, M. Yu. (2024). Pozytyvni zoboviazannia derzhavy v sferi zakhystu personalnykh danykh: mezhi vyznachennia problemy [Positive obligations of the state in the field of personal data protection: boundaries of problem definition]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], (1), 389–393. https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2024-1/88 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Yu. V. (2024). Zakhody protsesualnoho prymusu ta sudova yurysdyktsiia [Proceedings of procedural coercion and judicial jurisdiction]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], (1), 394–397. https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2024-1/89 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, D. Yu., & Ishchenko, Yu. V. (2024). Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia dostavlennia ta administratyvnoho zatrymannia orhanamy natsionalnoi politsii ta terytorialnymy tsentramy komplektuvannia ta sotsialnoi pidtrymky v spravakh pro porushennia pravyl viiskovoho obliku [Features of the use of delivery and administrative detention by the national policy and territorial recruitment and social support centers in cases of violations of military accounting rules]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], (4), 375–378. https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2024-4/88 [in Ukrainian].
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
For over twelve years Dr. Ishchenko has been working at the Faculty of Law of the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
In 1994, he studied at the School of Police Staff and Command, Northwestern University, USA.
In 2001, he studied at the National Police Training Center (Bramshill, UK).
Dr. Ishchenko has prepared 6 PhD graduates (Degree of Candidate of Science of Law).
He is the author and co-author of more than 80 works, including textbooks and manuals. He is the author and reviewer of test tasks of the exam for the qualification assessment of candidates for the position of a Supreme Court judge.
Main publications:
Ishchenko, Iu. (2016). Derzhavne upravlinnia spravamy yak subiekt pererozpodilu publichnoho resursu [The state management of affairs as the subject of redistribution of public resources]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (181), 91–95. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9861 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Iu. (2017). Zaokhochuvalni administratyvni protsedury: deiaki problemni pytannia realizatsii [The state management of affairs as the subject of redistribution of public resources]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (193), 41–45. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12453 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Yurii. (2018). Naukovi horyzonty administratyvnoho prava: tendentsii ta perspektyvy [Scientific horizons of administrative law: tendencies and perspectives]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (2), 79–92. https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2018.79-92 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Iurii. (2019). Zakhyst prava narodu na volevyiavlennia: administratyvno-deliktnyi aspekt [Protection of the people’s right to exercise their vote: aspect of administrative liability]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (4), 29–41. https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2019.4.29-41 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Yu. V., & Yakovenko, M. Yu. (2024). Pozytyvni zoboviazannia derzhavy v sferi zakhystu personalnykh danykh: mezhi vyznachennia problemy [Positive obligations of the state in the field of personal data protection: boundaries of problem definition]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], (1), 389–393. https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2024-1/88 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, Yu. V. (2024). Zakhody protsesualnoho prymusu ta sudova yurysdyktsiia [Proceedings of procedural coercion and judicial jurisdiction]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], (1), 394–397. https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2024-1/89 [in Ukrainian].
Ishchenko, D. Yu., & Ishchenko, Yu. V. (2024). Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia dostavlennia ta administratyvnoho zatrymannia orhanamy natsionalnoi politsii ta terytorialnymy tsentramy komplektuvannia ta sotsialnoi pidtrymky v spravakh pro porushennia pravyl viiskovoho obliku [Features of the use of delivery and administrative detention by the national policy and territorial recruitment and social support centers in cases of violations of military accounting rules]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], (4), 375–378. https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2024-4/88 [in Ukrainian].
Main publications
Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. – 2011. – Т. 116. – С. 66-69
Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. – 2016. – Т. 181. – С. 91-95
Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. 2017. Т. 193. С. 41-45
Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. 2017. Т. 200. С. 105-108
+38(044) 425 60 73
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 322
st. Voloska, 8/5
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 322
st. Voloska, 8/5