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- Oleksiy Gorokh
Oleksiy Gorokh

Oleksiy Gorokh
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law
Oleksii Horokh started his academic career in 2001. His scientific achievement is more than 140 publications on the problems of criminal law policy, punishment and its application; exemption from punishment. Among his scientific works: 4 monographs, 2 textbooks, a scientific and practical manual and a scientific and practical commentary to the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Oleksiy Gorokh is an active participant in many international conferences, symposia, and round tables.
Oleksiy Gorokh's significant achievements in scientific and pedagogical work, positive feedback from students and faculty members of the Faculty became the basis for his being named the Teacher of the Year of the Faculty of Law at NaUKMA in 2015.
In addition to teaching at NaUKMA, Oleksiy Gorokh is also a lecturer at the Center for Training and Advanced Training of Attorneys (Kyiv) and the Higher School of Advocacy of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (Kyiv).
Oleksiy Gorokh combines his research and teaching activities with human rights protection practice. He has been practicing law since 2001 and has been an attorney since 2007. Oleksii Gorokh is a member of the Ukrainian Bar Association (2009), the Ukrainian Association of Criminal Law (2015), and the Committee on Legislative Initiatives on Advocacy of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (2016).
Main publications:
Muzyka, A. A., & Horokh, O. P. (2012). Pokarannia ta yoho zastosuvannia za zlochyny proty zdorovia naselennia [Punishment and its application for crimes against public health]. Vydavets Palyvoda A. V. [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (2016). Zvilnennia vid pokarannia ta yoho vidbuvannia [Exemption from punishment and its achievement]. In Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [Scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Code of Ukraine] (O. M. Dzhuzha, A. V. Savchenko & V. V. Cherniei, Eds.) (p. 184–215). Yurinkom Inter [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (Comp.). (2017). Praktyka zastosuvannia Verkhovnym Sudom Ukrainy polozhen Zahalnoi chastyny Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [The practice of applying the provisions of the General Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by the Supreme Court of Ukraine] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (Comp.). (2017). Praktyka zastosuvannia Verkhovnym Sudom Ukrainy polozhen Osoblyvoi chastyny Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [The practice of applying the provisions of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by the Supreme Court of Ukraine] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (Comp.). (2018). Pravovi vysnovky Verkhovnoho Sudu Ukrainy shchodo zastosuvannia norm kryminalnoho prava (2011–2017 roky) [Legal opinions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine regarding the application of criminal law norms (2011–2017)] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (2019). Suchasni kryminalno-pravovi problemy zvilnennia vid pokarannia ta yoho vidbuvannia [Modern criminal law problems of release from punishment and its serving] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Vydavnychyi dim “Dakor” [in Ukrainian].
Andrushko, P. P., Bakumov, O. S., Baulin, Yu. V. et al. (2024). Proiekt novoho Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: peredumovy rozrobky, kontseptualni zasady, osnovni polozhennia [The draft of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine: development prerequisites, conceptual foundations, basic provisions] (Yu. V. Baulin & M. I. Khavroniuk, Eds.). Kompaniia VAITE. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31840 [in Ukrainian].
Oleksiy Gorokh's significant achievements in scientific and pedagogical work, positive feedback from students and faculty members of the Faculty became the basis for his being named the Teacher of the Year of the Faculty of Law at NaUKMA in 2015.
In addition to teaching at NaUKMA, Oleksiy Gorokh is also a lecturer at the Center for Training and Advanced Training of Attorneys (Kyiv) and the Higher School of Advocacy of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (Kyiv).
Oleksiy Gorokh combines his research and teaching activities with human rights protection practice. He has been practicing law since 2001 and has been an attorney since 2007. Oleksii Gorokh is a member of the Ukrainian Bar Association (2009), the Ukrainian Association of Criminal Law (2015), and the Committee on Legislative Initiatives on Advocacy of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (2016).
Main publications:
Muzyka, A. A., & Horokh, O. P. (2012). Pokarannia ta yoho zastosuvannia za zlochyny proty zdorovia naselennia [Punishment and its application for crimes against public health]. Vydavets Palyvoda A. V. [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (2016). Zvilnennia vid pokarannia ta yoho vidbuvannia [Exemption from punishment and its achievement]. In Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [Scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Code of Ukraine] (O. M. Dzhuzha, A. V. Savchenko & V. V. Cherniei, Eds.) (p. 184–215). Yurinkom Inter [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (Comp.). (2017). Praktyka zastosuvannia Verkhovnym Sudom Ukrainy polozhen Zahalnoi chastyny Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [The practice of applying the provisions of the General Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by the Supreme Court of Ukraine] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (Comp.). (2017). Praktyka zastosuvannia Verkhovnym Sudom Ukrainy polozhen Osoblyvoi chastyny Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [The practice of applying the provisions of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by the Supreme Court of Ukraine] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (Comp.). (2018). Pravovi vysnovky Verkhovnoho Sudu Ukrainy shchodo zastosuvannia norm kryminalnoho prava (2011–2017 roky) [Legal opinions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine regarding the application of criminal law norms (2011–2017)] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Horokh, O. P. (2019). Suchasni kryminalno-pravovi problemy zvilnennia vid pokarannia ta yoho vidbuvannia [Modern criminal law problems of release from punishment and its serving] (A. A. Muzyka, Ed.). Vydavnychyi dim “Dakor” [in Ukrainian].
Andrushko, P. P., Bakumov, O. S., Baulin, Yu. V. et al. (2024). Proiekt novoho Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: peredumovy rozrobky, kontseptualni zasady, osnovni polozhennia [The draft of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine: development prerequisites, conceptual foundations, basic provisions] (Yu. V. Baulin & M. I. Khavroniuk, Eds.). Kompaniia VAITE. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31840 [in Ukrainian].
+38(044) 425 60 73
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 326
st. Voloska, 8/5
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 326
st. Voloska, 8/5