Oleksii Tseliev

Oleksii Tseliev
Associate Professor of the Department of General Theoretical Jurisprudence and Public Law
Oleksiy Tseliev is an associate professor of law with a PhD degree. He has been teaching at the Faculty of Law for more than two decades. His courses include general theory of law for bachelors and anthropological studies of national legislation for masters. He has written and co-written several scientific publications and a textbook on general theory of law. His research interest lies in the interaction between law and the state, as well as the challenges that emerge from it, and the Rule of Law issues. He also practices law in the fields of corporate and commercial activities. He is an expert of the Center for the Study of the Rule of Law and participates in international research projects. He works with various organizations such as OSCE, USAID, the Council of Europe office in Ukraine, the Swedish Academy named after Folke Bernadotte and others.

Main publications:

Tseliev, Oleksii. (2022). Verkhovenstvo prava ta sotsialna derzhava: poshuk shliakhiv podolannia superechnostei [The rule of law and the welfare state: the ways to overcome contradictions]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (9–10), 87–97. https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2022.9-10.87-97 [in Ukrainian].

Tseliev, Oleksii. (2020). Protyrichchia mizh derzhavoiu i pravom: sutnisnyi aspekt [Controversies between state and law: the essential aspect]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (5), 94–101. https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2020.5.94-101 [in Ukrainian].

Tseliev, O. (2006). Pryntsyp verkhovenstva prava u Zakhidnii ta Skhidnii Yevropi XI–XIII st.: teolohichnyi aspekt [Principle of rule of law in Eastern and Western Europe in the 11th – 13th centuries: theological aspect]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (53), 52–55. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7111 [in Ukrainian].

Medvediev, V., & Tselyev, O. (2008). Dukh i bukva: vypadky protystoiannia [The spirit and the letter: cases of confrontation]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (77), 26–30. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6299 [in Ukrainian].

Tseliev, O. V. (2009). Humanizm ta pryntsypy verkhovenstva prava na prykladi prava na hromadsku nepokoru [Humanism and the principle of the rule of law on the example of the right to civil disobedience]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (90), 8–9. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6299 [in Ukrainian].

Tselyev, O. (2016). Pravo buty pochutym – skladova verkhovenstva prava v diialnosti orhaniv mistsevoho samovriaduvannia [Right to be heard as the component of the rule of law in the activity of local governments]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (181), 43–46. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9886 [in Ukrainian].

Tseliev, O. (2011). Verkhovenstvo prava ta pravozastosovna praktyka shchodo vykonannia sudovykh rishen v Ukraini [Rule of law and enforcement procedures considering court decisions enforcement in Ukraine]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (116), 23–25. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27762 [in Ukrainian].