Tetiana Kyselova

Tetiana Kyselova
Associate Professor at the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Government
Degree of Candidate of Science of Law (PhD), Head of the Center for Mohyla Mediation and Dialogue Studies.
Tetiana Kyselova holds a Master of Laws degree from the London School of Economics, UK, a degree of Candidate of Science (PhD) in Law from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a DPhil in Legal Studies from the University of Oxford, UK. Since 2003, she has been teaching alternative dispute resolution at the University of London, UK. Since 2015, Dr. Kyselova has been a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Turin, Italy. Certified mediator in commercial disputes (IHK Academie Westerham, Munich and Upper Bavaria). She has worked on projects of the International Finance Corporation, the United Nations and the Council of Europe on the development of commercial mediation and legal regulation of mediation in Ukraine. She has a number of scientific publications on mediation and international commercial arbitration.