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- Volodymyr Kuzmenko
Volodymyr Kuzmenko

Volodymyr Kuzmenko
Associate Professor of the Department of General Theory of Law and Public Law
Doctor of Law (2010), Candidate of Historical Sciences (1999), Associate Professor (2005).
Member of the specialized academic council D 26.867.01 at the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Author of more than 100 scientific and educational works. He has 25 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.
Dr. Kuzmenko graduated from the Faculty of History of the I. Mechnikov Odesa State University (1994) and the Faculty of Law of the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs (2003). He completed his doctoral studies at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (2006–2009). Dr. Kuzmenko completed an internship at the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary, July-August 2000).
Main publications:
Kuzmenko, Volodymyr. (2008). Radianska Ukraina: proekt i realizatsiia (1917–1924 rr.). Spetsyfika derzhavotvorennia kriz pryzmu natsionalnoi polityky bilshovykiv [Soviet Ukraine: project and implementation (1917–1924). The specifics of state formation through the prism of the national policy of the Bolsheviks] (O. N. Yarmysh, Ed.). Vydavets Bukaiev Vadym Viktorovych. http://dspace.oduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1993 [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. B. (2009). Mizhnatsionalni vidnosyny v Radianskii Ukraini (1917–1939 rr.): pravovi aspekty [International relations in Soviet Ukraine (1917–1939): legal aspects] (O. N. Yarmysh, Ed.). Odessa State University of Internal Affairs. http://elib.ukma.edu.ua/LOC/Books/Kuzmenko_Mizhnatsionalni_vidnosyny.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. B. (2004). Formuvannia ukrainskoi natsionalnoi derzhavy u period Natsionalnoi revoliutsii ta Vyzvolnoi viiny ukrainskoho narodu seredyny ХVІІ st. [The formation of the Ukrainian national state during the National Revolution and the War of Liberation of the Ukrainian people in the middle of the 17th century]. In Istoriia derzhavnosti Ukrainy [History of Ukrainian statehood] (O. M. Bandurka & O. N. Yarmysh, Eds.) (p. 143–204). Odissei [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. B. (2005). Do istorii formuvannia pivnichno-skhidnoho ta skhidnoho kordoniv Ukrainy (1917–1925 rr.) [To the history of the northeastern and eastern borders of Ukraine formation (1917–1925)]. Universytetski naukovi zapysky [University Scientific Notes], (4), 26–30. http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Unzap_2005_4_7 [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. (2007). Likvidatsiia natsionalnykh raioniv ta silrad v Ukrainskii RSR naprykintsi 1930-kh rokiv: polityko-pravovyi aspekt [Liquidation of national districts and village councils in the Ukrainian SSR at the end of the 1930s: political and legal aspect]. Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy [Journal of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine], (3), 66–75. https://visnyk.kh.ua/uk/journals/visnik-naprnu-3-2007r [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, Volodymyr, & Kuzmenko, Hanna. (2024). The genesis of the legal position of women in Ukraine-Rus from the beginning of the 10th century to the middle of the 14th century. Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz [European Philosophical and Historical Discourse], 10(1), 14–20. https://doi.org/10.46340/ephd.2024.10.1.2
Kuzmenko, Volodymyr, & Kuzmenko, Hanna. (2024). Problems of protecting rights of violent crimes victims: aspects of the harmonization process of Ukrainian law with EU law. Evropský politický a právní diskurz [European Political and Law Discourse], 11(2), 51–61. https://doi.org/10.46340/eppd.2024.11.2.5
Member of the specialized academic council D 26.867.01 at the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Author of more than 100 scientific and educational works. He has 25 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.
Dr. Kuzmenko graduated from the Faculty of History of the I. Mechnikov Odesa State University (1994) and the Faculty of Law of the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs (2003). He completed his doctoral studies at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (2006–2009). Dr. Kuzmenko completed an internship at the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary, July-August 2000).
Main publications:
Kuzmenko, Volodymyr. (2008). Radianska Ukraina: proekt i realizatsiia (1917–1924 rr.). Spetsyfika derzhavotvorennia kriz pryzmu natsionalnoi polityky bilshovykiv [Soviet Ukraine: project and implementation (1917–1924). The specifics of state formation through the prism of the national policy of the Bolsheviks] (O. N. Yarmysh, Ed.). Vydavets Bukaiev Vadym Viktorovych. http://dspace.oduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1993 [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. B. (2009). Mizhnatsionalni vidnosyny v Radianskii Ukraini (1917–1939 rr.): pravovi aspekty [International relations in Soviet Ukraine (1917–1939): legal aspects] (O. N. Yarmysh, Ed.). Odessa State University of Internal Affairs. http://elib.ukma.edu.ua/LOC/Books/Kuzmenko_Mizhnatsionalni_vidnosyny.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. B. (2004). Formuvannia ukrainskoi natsionalnoi derzhavy u period Natsionalnoi revoliutsii ta Vyzvolnoi viiny ukrainskoho narodu seredyny ХVІІ st. [The formation of the Ukrainian national state during the National Revolution and the War of Liberation of the Ukrainian people in the middle of the 17th century]. In Istoriia derzhavnosti Ukrainy [History of Ukrainian statehood] (O. M. Bandurka & O. N. Yarmysh, Eds.) (p. 143–204). Odissei [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. B. (2005). Do istorii formuvannia pivnichno-skhidnoho ta skhidnoho kordoniv Ukrainy (1917–1925 rr.) [To the history of the northeastern and eastern borders of Ukraine formation (1917–1925)]. Universytetski naukovi zapysky [University Scientific Notes], (4), 26–30. http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Unzap_2005_4_7 [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, V. (2007). Likvidatsiia natsionalnykh raioniv ta silrad v Ukrainskii RSR naprykintsi 1930-kh rokiv: polityko-pravovyi aspekt [Liquidation of national districts and village councils in the Ukrainian SSR at the end of the 1930s: political and legal aspect]. Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy [Journal of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine], (3), 66–75. https://visnyk.kh.ua/uk/journals/visnik-naprnu-3-2007r [in Ukrainian].
Kuzmenko, Volodymyr, & Kuzmenko, Hanna. (2024). The genesis of the legal position of women in Ukraine-Rus from the beginning of the 10th century to the middle of the 14th century. Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz [European Philosophical and Historical Discourse], 10(1), 14–20. https://doi.org/10.46340/ephd.2024.10.1.2
Kuzmenko, Volodymyr, & Kuzmenko, Hanna. (2024). Problems of protecting rights of violent crimes victims: aspects of the harmonization process of Ukrainian law with EU law. Evropský politický a právní diskurz [European Political and Law Discourse], 11(2), 51–61. https://doi.org/10.46340/eppd.2024.11.2.5
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Building 4 NaUKMA, room 328
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