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Dmytro Koval

Dmytro Koval
Associate Professor of the Department of International and European Law
Dr Dmytro Koval is an Associate Professor at the Department of International and European Law. He is a Legal Director of Truth Hounds and member of the International Advisory Council of the Prosecutor’s General Office of Ukraine. Dr. Koval was a research fellow at Stanford University, Central European University, Jagiellonian University, and the Graduate School for Social Research of the Polish Academy of Science. He has experience working with the issues of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law in the countries of West and Central Asia, China and Ukraine as well as advising international and regional organizations, Ukrainian Government and MPs. He was a Fulbright Scholar at Stanford University (USA) in 2019-2020. Since 2021, Dmytro Koval represents Ukraine in the UNESCO Protocol 1999 Committee. He is a board member of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner Center for Civil Liberties.
Main publications:
Koval, Dmytro. (2016). V imia mystetstva: mizhnarodno-pravovyi kontekstualnyi analiz zakhystu kulturnykh tsinnostei u zviazku zi zbroinym konfliktom [In the name of art: an international legal contextual analysis of the protection of cultural values in connection with armed conflict]. Feniks. http://lostart.org.ua/pict_mod/pictures/170_item_file_vimayamistetstva.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Zelinska, N. A., Andreichenko, S. S., Dromina-Volok, N. V., Koval, D. O. (2017). Teoriia ta praktyka mizhnarodnoho kryminalnoho prava [Theory and practice of international criminal law] (N. A. Zelinska, Ed.). Feniks [in Ukrainian].
Koval, Dmytro, & Soldatenko, Mykhailo. (2024, October 8). Why is Ukraine ratifying the Rome Statute with an Article 124 caveat? Lawfare. https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/why-is-ukraine-ratifying-the-rome-statute-with-an-article-124-caveat
Azarov, Denys, Koval, Dmytro, Nuridzhanian, Gaiane, & Venher, Volodymyr. (2023). Understanding Russia’s actions in Ukraine as the crime of genocide. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(2), 233–264. https://doi.org/10.1093/jicj/mqad018
Schatz, Valentin J., & Dmytro, Koval. (2019). Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the passage of ships through Kerch Strait: a law of the sea perspective. Ocean Development & International Law, 50(2–3), 275–297. https://doi.org/10.1080/00908320.2019.1605677
Schatz, Valentin, & Koval, Dmytro. (2018, September 6). Insights from the Bifurcation Order in the Ukraine vs. Russia Arbitration under Annex VII of UNCLOS. EJIL: Talk! https://www.ejiltalk.org/insights-from-the-bifurcation-order-in-the-ukraine-vs-russia-arbitration-under-annex-vii-of-unclos/
Koval, Dmytro O. (2014). The concept of protective intervention: an effective international law instrument for the cultural property protection or a fiction. Central and Eastern European Legal Studies, (1). https://eplopublications.eu/publication/digital-edition/concept-protective-intervention-effective-international-law-instrument
Main publications:
Koval, Dmytro. (2016). V imia mystetstva: mizhnarodno-pravovyi kontekstualnyi analiz zakhystu kulturnykh tsinnostei u zviazku zi zbroinym konfliktom [In the name of art: an international legal contextual analysis of the protection of cultural values in connection with armed conflict]. Feniks. http://lostart.org.ua/pict_mod/pictures/170_item_file_vimayamistetstva.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Zelinska, N. A., Andreichenko, S. S., Dromina-Volok, N. V., Koval, D. O. (2017). Teoriia ta praktyka mizhnarodnoho kryminalnoho prava [Theory and practice of international criminal law] (N. A. Zelinska, Ed.). Feniks [in Ukrainian].
Koval, Dmytro, & Soldatenko, Mykhailo. (2024, October 8). Why is Ukraine ratifying the Rome Statute with an Article 124 caveat? Lawfare. https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/why-is-ukraine-ratifying-the-rome-statute-with-an-article-124-caveat
Azarov, Denys, Koval, Dmytro, Nuridzhanian, Gaiane, & Venher, Volodymyr. (2023). Understanding Russia’s actions in Ukraine as the crime of genocide. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(2), 233–264. https://doi.org/10.1093/jicj/mqad018
Schatz, Valentin J., & Dmytro, Koval. (2019). Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the passage of ships through Kerch Strait: a law of the sea perspective. Ocean Development & International Law, 50(2–3), 275–297. https://doi.org/10.1080/00908320.2019.1605677
Schatz, Valentin, & Koval, Dmytro. (2018, September 6). Insights from the Bifurcation Order in the Ukraine vs. Russia Arbitration under Annex VII of UNCLOS. EJIL: Talk! https://www.ejiltalk.org/insights-from-the-bifurcation-order-in-the-ukraine-vs-russia-arbitration-under-annex-vii-of-unclos/
Koval, Dmytro O. (2014). The concept of protective intervention: an effective international law instrument for the cultural property protection or a fiction. Central and Eastern European Legal Studies, (1). https://eplopublications.eu/publication/digital-edition/concept-protective-intervention-effective-international-law-instrument
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