Наукова англійська мова (Academic English)

The purpose of the course Academic English is to develop the language skills – vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation – essential for mastering academic style and communicating effectively in academic discourse. PhD students will be guided through various strategies of academic writing, in particular, problem statement, literature review, methodology section, as well as academic genres, such as summary, review, abstract, research proposal (thesis proposal). The course participants will be supported through the main stages of drafting a PhD thesis proposal regarding its composition and language features. The course will also contribute to strengthening the presentation skills applied in academic environment. The evaluation of the course participation will be based on the students’ practical activities in class and timely submission of the requested assignments.


3 кредити
Осінь +весна
Семестр викладання
Василенко І. В.,к. філол. н., доц.