Актуальні проблеми міжнародного кримінального права (англ. мовою)

Albeit a relatively new field of international law, which solidified after World War II, International Criminal Law (ICL) is a dynamic area. ICL is developing rapidly, with the international community’s growing proactivity in eliminating impunity for core international crimes – war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of aggression. For instance, recent years have shown the rise of domestic efforts to tackle international crimes, including through universal jurisdiction proceedings. Survivors are getting a stronger voice and standing in atrocity proceedings, their right to reparations is solidifying and diversifying. At the same time, ICL has some glaring gaps such as the viability of ensuring justice for the crime of aggression.

This course critically examines the progress as well as pitfalls in ensuring justice for international crimes. To read the course, the knowledge of or the readiness to master the foundations of ICL and international humanitarian law (IHL) are required. The parallel or subsequent reading of Transitional Justice is desirable.

Advanced ICL course covers the following topics:

1. A Refresher into ICL;

2. The Nuremberg Principles & the Prosecution of International Crimes Domestically and Internationally;

3. The Evolution of the Concept of Genocide and Its Applicability to Russia’s Conduct towards Ukraine throughout the Years;

4. Accountability for the Crime of Aggression;

5. Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Balancing Accountability with the Principle of Do No Harm;

6. The Changing Role of Victims in ICL;

7. Reparations as a Key Component of Survivor-Centric Holistic Justice;

8. Defence as a Crucial Component of a Fair Trial;

9. Prosecuting Propaganda in ICL;

10. Universal Jurisdiction Proceedings: the Rise of the Domestic Era of International Criminal Justice.

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