Lesia Ilchenko-Siuiva

Lesia Ilchenko-Siuiva
Associate Professor of Kyiv-Mohyla School of Government
Lesia Ilchenko-Siuiva holds a degree of Candidate of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, she is the Co-Chair of the Working Group on Policy Analysis (Evidence-Based Policy) of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee). Since 1998, she has been an expert in technical assistance projects of USAID, CIDA, SIDA, UNDP in the areas of financial system development, public finance, monetary and tax policy, and public policy analysis.
She is the author of more than 100 publications in the specialized and scientific journals. Professional interests: public policy analysis, financial system development, financial intermediation, banking supervision, public finance reform, monetary and tax policy.
Main publications:
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2023). Sotsialno-vidpovidalna investytsiina diialnist yak chynnyk povoiennoho vidnovlennia v Ukraini [Socialy responsible investment as a factor of post-war recovery in Ukraine]. In Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries (G. Riabtsev & V. Tertychka, Eds.) (p. 122–130). National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26928 [in Ukrainian].
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya, Riabtsev, Gennadii, & Tertychka, Valerii. (2021). Education in government communications: case of Ukraine. E3S Web of Conferences, (319), 01053. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202131901053
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya, Dvorak, Jaroslav, & Carausan, Mihaela Victorita (Eds.). (2020). Policy papers. In The choice-architecture behind policy designs: from policy design to policy practice in the European integration context (Michiel S. de Vries, Juraj Nemec & Veronica Junjan, Eds.) (p. 147–331). NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/files/publications/PRACTIC-monograph-final.pdf
Ilchenko, Lesya. (2012). Introduction to Public Policy Analysis Development Issues. In Public sector dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe (Juraj Nemec & Michiel S. de Vries, Eds.) (p. 157–159). NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/files/publications/ebooks/nispacee-proceedings-varna-2011.pdf
Kilievych, Olexandr, & Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2018). Performance indicators as tools of good governance: case of Ukraine. In The 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference (May 24–26, 2018, Iasi, Romania). NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/conf_paper_details2018.php?cid=26&p=4198&pid=1107
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2024). Socially responsible investments as a factor of ensuring public welfare in postwar recovery in Ukraine. In Public administration in post-conflict reconstruction: the 32nd NISPAcee Annual Conference 2024 e-proceedings (May 23–25, 2024, Tbilisi, Georgia). NISPAcee Press. https://www.nispa.org/files/conferences/2024/e-proceedings/system_files/papers/abstract-ilchenko-syuyva.pdf
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2014). Public private partnership initiatives as keys to decrease budget spending: case of Ukraine. In Government vs. Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: from pre-Weberianism to neo-Weberianism? NISPAcee Press. https://www.nispa.org/files/conferences/2014/CD/index.php
She is the author of more than 100 publications in the specialized and scientific journals. Professional interests: public policy analysis, financial system development, financial intermediation, banking supervision, public finance reform, monetary and tax policy.
Main publications:
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2023). Sotsialno-vidpovidalna investytsiina diialnist yak chynnyk povoiennoho vidnovlennia v Ukraini [Socialy responsible investment as a factor of post-war recovery in Ukraine]. In Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries (G. Riabtsev & V. Tertychka, Eds.) (p. 122–130). National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26928 [in Ukrainian].
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya, Riabtsev, Gennadii, & Tertychka, Valerii. (2021). Education in government communications: case of Ukraine. E3S Web of Conferences, (319), 01053. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202131901053
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya, Dvorak, Jaroslav, & Carausan, Mihaela Victorita (Eds.). (2020). Policy papers. In The choice-architecture behind policy designs: from policy design to policy practice in the European integration context (Michiel S. de Vries, Juraj Nemec & Veronica Junjan, Eds.) (p. 147–331). NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/files/publications/PRACTIC-monograph-final.pdf
Ilchenko, Lesya. (2012). Introduction to Public Policy Analysis Development Issues. In Public sector dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe (Juraj Nemec & Michiel S. de Vries, Eds.) (p. 157–159). NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/files/publications/ebooks/nispacee-proceedings-varna-2011.pdf
Kilievych, Olexandr, & Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2018). Performance indicators as tools of good governance: case of Ukraine. In The 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference (May 24–26, 2018, Iasi, Romania). NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/conf_paper_details2018.php?cid=26&p=4198&pid=1107
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2024). Socially responsible investments as a factor of ensuring public welfare in postwar recovery in Ukraine. In Public administration in post-conflict reconstruction: the 32nd NISPAcee Annual Conference 2024 e-proceedings (May 23–25, 2024, Tbilisi, Georgia). NISPAcee Press. https://www.nispa.org/files/conferences/2024/e-proceedings/system_files/papers/abstract-ilchenko-syuyva.pdf
Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya. (2014). Public private partnership initiatives as keys to decrease budget spending: case of Ukraine. In Government vs. Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: from pre-Weberianism to neo-Weberianism? NISPAcee Press. https://www.nispa.org/files/conferences/2014/CD/index.php