Towards European Standards: Key Findings on Prosecutorial Practices in Ukraine

Yesterday, our faculty member, Volodymyr Petrakovskyi, together with Professor Lorena Bachmaier Winter from Complutense University of Madrid, presented an expert analysis of the disciplinary practices of the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors (QDCP) for 2023 to its newly appointed members.
As Council of Europe consultants, they discussed with QDCP members how to effectively utilize the experience gained by the previous commission: which practices should be reinforced and which aspects still require improvement.
Key findings of the analysis:
The QDCP is gradually aligning its activities with European standards. The commission’s practices are becoming increasingly consistent and predictable, although some aspects still need enhancement.
The QDCP, together with the Council of Prosecutors, is one of the key self-governing bodies of Ukraine’s prosecution system, established in accordance with European standards. Their role and the need for further strengthening have been highlighted in European Commission reports on Ukraine’s progress toward EU accession.
Learn more about the expert analysis here
Read about Ukraine’s path to a European-style prosecution system in Volodymyr Petrakovskyi’s column.