Current Problems of European Human Rights Law (in English)

The aim of the course is study of the European Human Rights Law (EHRL) as a law common to the Council of Europe countries. It is aimed at studies of the ensemble of the Council of Europe treaties and most importantly – the diamond in the crown of the Council of Europe law – the European Convention on Human Rights. Particular emphasis would be made to the role of the European Convention of Human Rights in formation of the domestic legislation, jurisprudence of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, its role within the European Union and outside the European Union economic area. Specific attention would be paid to the relationships between the international law, both public and private, the law of the Council of Europe, including the soft law produced by the Council of Europe as an international organisation. The role of the Council of Europe would be examined from the perspective of facilitator of compliance with the European Convention of Human Rights, Council of Europe treaties and recommendations, judgments of the Strasbourg Courts, execution of which is supervised by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Students will obtain not only theoretical knowledge in the area, but would also be able to apply the Council of Europe law, European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the Court in the domestic judicial proceedings, legislative practice, academic work, etc.

3 credits
Subject matter of the discipline
Semester of teaching the discipline
Final control
Pavlo Pushkar
Associate Professor of the Department of International and European Law
Contacts of the Faculty
+38(044) 425 60 73

4 building NaUKMA, room 302
St. Voloska, 8/5