Oleksiy Tretyakov-Grodzevych

Oleksiy Tretyakov-Grodzevych
Associate Lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
Graduated with a master's degree from the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in 2024, specializing in 281 Public Administration and Management.
Has experience working in government bodies and the civil sector, including roles in the Department of Information Policy and Security of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy (Chief Specialist in the Department of State Policy Formation), and the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (Project Manager of the "Initiative for Sectoral Support of Civil Society in Ukraine").
Recipient of the Scholarship named after the statesmen of the first Ukrainian government.
Actively participates in the development and implementation of state policies, the drafting of regulatory documents, state strategies, analytical briefs, and roadmaps. Examples include the Information Security Strategy, the Law "On Media," the Communication Strategy for European Integration of Ukraine until 2026, and the Roadmap for supporting the recovery of a pluralistic, transparent, and independent media space after the termination or repeal of martial law etc.
Academic interests: strategic communications, strategic planning, civil society, local and regional development, public administration systems. Teaches courses: Management Theory and History, Regional and Local Development.
Main publications:
[Tretiakov-Hrodzevych, O. D.]. (2024, August 8). Spilni dii dlia deokupatsii ta reintehratsii Krymu: rol OHS, derzhavnykh instytutsii ta media [Joint actions for the de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea: the role of CSOs, state institutions, and media]. Tsentr demokratii ta verkhovenstva prava [Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law]. https://cedem.org.ua/library/deokupatsiya-krymu/ [in Ukrainian].
Has experience working in government bodies and the civil sector, including roles in the Department of Information Policy and Security of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy (Chief Specialist in the Department of State Policy Formation), and the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (Project Manager of the "Initiative for Sectoral Support of Civil Society in Ukraine").
Recipient of the Scholarship named after the statesmen of the first Ukrainian government.
Actively participates in the development and implementation of state policies, the drafting of regulatory documents, state strategies, analytical briefs, and roadmaps. Examples include the Information Security Strategy, the Law "On Media," the Communication Strategy for European Integration of Ukraine until 2026, and the Roadmap for supporting the recovery of a pluralistic, transparent, and independent media space after the termination or repeal of martial law etc.
Academic interests: strategic communications, strategic planning, civil society, local and regional development, public administration systems. Teaches courses: Management Theory and History, Regional and Local Development.
Main publications:
[Tretiakov-Hrodzevych, O. D.]. (2024, August 8). Spilni dii dlia deokupatsii ta reintehratsii Krymu: rol OHS, derzhavnykh instytutsii ta media [Joint actions for the de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea: the role of CSOs, state institutions, and media]. Tsentr demokratii ta verkhovenstva prava [Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law]. https://cedem.org.ua/library/deokupatsiya-krymu/ [in Ukrainian].