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- Diana Protsenko
Diana Protsenko

Diana Protsenko
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Private Law
Master of Law (NaUKMA, 2005), mediator (CEDR accreditation, UK), trainer (CEDR, 2009, Munich CCI, 2014), author and co-author of academic courses, trainings, online courses on information law, negotiations, mediation, effective communication, dialogue in communities and for the needs of reforms. She is one of the initiators of the development of e-democracy in Ukraine, in particular, one of the co-authors of the draft law on e-petitions, co-author of the draft laws on mediation.
Diana Protsenko is a coach of student teams for international negotiation and mediation competitions (International Commercial Mediation Competition at the ICC in Paris, France (2008, 2009, 2011–2016), and the Consensual Dispute Resolution Competition in Vienna, Austria (2015), as well as a judge of international mediation competitions (International Law School Mediation Tournament, Mediate’18, INADR, Kyiv, Ukraine (2018).
Since 2014, Diana Protsenko has been a founder and member of the Board, and since 2015 – President of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine. After the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, she has been actively working with community mediation, facilitating OSCE dialogues in Eastern Ukraine; Ms. Protsenko is a member of the international network of mediation trainers (CEDR Trainers Network); she conducts many trainings for students, small, medium and large enterprises, including municipal and state-owned enterprises, local and central authorities.
Since 2018 – Head of the Department of Student Affairs at NaUKMA.
Main publications:
Kalenychenko, Tetiana, Kopina, Alona, Korablova (Kotiuk), Olha, & Protsenko, Diana. (2021). Upravlinnia konfliktamy dlia potreb publichnoi sluzhby [Conflict management for public service needs] (Diana Protsenko, Ed.). Vaite. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/4/b/521680_0.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, D. (Ed.). (2020). Dialoh u reformakh: instruktsiia z ekspluatatsii: alhorytm ta posibnyk dlia publichnykh sluzhbovtsiv [Dialogue in reforms: operating instructions. Algorithm and guide for public servants]. Vaite. https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/17-civik-2018/rubrik_rekomehdation/dialog-reform.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Husieva, Kateryna, & Protsenko, Diana. (2019). Yak, koly, de pratsiuie dialoh? [How, when, where does dialogue work?]. OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/3/c/422822.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, D., & Tupchiienko, D. (2012). Ohliad pidkhodiv do rehuliuvannia novykh konverhentnykh audiovizualnykh zasobiv masovoi informatsii: mizhnarodnyi dosvid [A review of approaches to the regulation of new convergent audiovisual media: international experience] [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, Diana. (2019). Innovatsii dlia rozvytku sfery mediatsii: dosvid Ukrainy [Innovations for the development in mediation: the experience of Ukraine]. In 5 rokiv dialohu i 25 rokiv mediatsii v Ukraini: vid protystoiannia do porozuminnia [5 years of dialogue and 25 years of mediation in Ukraine: from confrontation to understanding] (I. Tereshchenko, Ed.) (p. 77–92). Vaite. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/3/6/448168.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, D. (2016). Perspektyvy zakonodavchoho vrehuliuvannia v Ukraini vykorystannia elektronnykh instrumentiv uchasti hromadian v upravlinni derzhavnymy spravamy [Future of legislative regulation of e-participation tools for enabling citizens to participate in state governance]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (181), 86–90. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9862 [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, Diana. (2013). Dopustymist mediatsii v tsyvilnykh, hospodarskykh, administratyvnykh i trudovykh sporakh [Admissibility of mediation in civil, economic, administrative and labor disputes]. Yurydychnyi zhurnal [Legal Journal], (6–7), 102–107. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26241 [in Ukrainian].
Diana Protsenko is a coach of student teams for international negotiation and mediation competitions (International Commercial Mediation Competition at the ICC in Paris, France (2008, 2009, 2011–2016), and the Consensual Dispute Resolution Competition in Vienna, Austria (2015), as well as a judge of international mediation competitions (International Law School Mediation Tournament, Mediate’18, INADR, Kyiv, Ukraine (2018).
Since 2014, Diana Protsenko has been a founder and member of the Board, and since 2015 – President of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine. After the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, she has been actively working with community mediation, facilitating OSCE dialogues in Eastern Ukraine; Ms. Protsenko is a member of the international network of mediation trainers (CEDR Trainers Network); she conducts many trainings for students, small, medium and large enterprises, including municipal and state-owned enterprises, local and central authorities.
Since 2018 – Head of the Department of Student Affairs at NaUKMA.
Main publications:
Kalenychenko, Tetiana, Kopina, Alona, Korablova (Kotiuk), Olha, & Protsenko, Diana. (2021). Upravlinnia konfliktamy dlia potreb publichnoi sluzhby [Conflict management for public service needs] (Diana Protsenko, Ed.). Vaite. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/4/b/521680_0.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, D. (Ed.). (2020). Dialoh u reformakh: instruktsiia z ekspluatatsii: alhorytm ta posibnyk dlia publichnykh sluzhbovtsiv [Dialogue in reforms: operating instructions. Algorithm and guide for public servants]. Vaite. https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/17-civik-2018/rubrik_rekomehdation/dialog-reform.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Husieva, Kateryna, & Protsenko, Diana. (2019). Yak, koly, de pratsiuie dialoh? [How, when, where does dialogue work?]. OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/3/c/422822.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, D., & Tupchiienko, D. (2012). Ohliad pidkhodiv do rehuliuvannia novykh konverhentnykh audiovizualnykh zasobiv masovoi informatsii: mizhnarodnyi dosvid [A review of approaches to the regulation of new convergent audiovisual media: international experience] [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, Diana. (2019). Innovatsii dlia rozvytku sfery mediatsii: dosvid Ukrainy [Innovations for the development in mediation: the experience of Ukraine]. In 5 rokiv dialohu i 25 rokiv mediatsii v Ukraini: vid protystoiannia do porozuminnia [5 years of dialogue and 25 years of mediation in Ukraine: from confrontation to understanding] (I. Tereshchenko, Ed.) (p. 77–92). Vaite. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/3/6/448168.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, D. (2016). Perspektyvy zakonodavchoho vrehuliuvannia v Ukraini vykorystannia elektronnykh instrumentiv uchasti hromadian v upravlinni derzhavnymy spravamy [Future of legislative regulation of e-participation tools for enabling citizens to participate in state governance]. Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. Yurydychni nauky [NaUKMA Research Papers. Law], (181), 86–90. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9862 [in Ukrainian].
Protsenko, Diana. (2013). Dopustymist mediatsii v tsyvilnykh, hospodarskykh, administratyvnykh i trudovykh sporakh [Admissibility of mediation in civil, economic, administrative and labor disputes]. Yurydychnyi zhurnal [Legal Journal], (6–7), 102–107. https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26241 [in Ukrainian].
+38(044) 425 60 73
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 323
st. Voloska, 8/5
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 323
st. Voloska, 8/5