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- Oksana Nesterenko
Oksana Nesterenko

Oksana Nesterenko
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law
Candidate of Science of Law (PhD), graduate of the Fulbright-Kennan Institute, Washington, DC, USA (2013/2014).
Head of the Interdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Combating Corruption in Ukraine at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
Oksana Nesterenko is an expert in the field of anti-corruption policy, constitutional law, in particular, freedom of expression and mass media, the right to access public information, personal data protection, open governance, whistleblower protection, etc. Oksana Nesterenko is a co-author of the draft law “On Protection of Whistleblowers” and was a member of the working group on the development of the Laws of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” and “On Information” (new edition), and acts as an expert on numerous projects aimed at increasing the transparency of the Ukrainian government and freedom of the media, the rule of law and democratic development of Ukraine.
Main publications:
Nesterenko, O., Severyn, O. (2008). Pravo na dostup do informatsii: teoriia ta praktyka [The right of access to information: theory and practice]. Prava liudyny. https://library.nlu.edu.ua/POLN_TEXT/KNIGI_2009_2/Dostup_do_infor_2008.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Holovenko, Roman, Kotliar, Dmytro, Nesterenko, Oksana, & Shevchenko, Taras. (2012). Zakon Ukrainy “Pro dostup do publichnoi informatsii”: naukovo-praktychnyi komentar [The Law of Ukraine “On access to public information”: scientific and practical commentary] (Dmytro Kotliar, Ed.). Tsentr suspilnykh media. https://www.rada.gov.ua/uploads/documents/72474.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Biletskyi, Andrii, Derkach, Serhii, Kalitenko, Oleksandr, Karpova, Olena, Lutsyk, Vasyl, & Nesterenko, Oksana. (2021). Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar zakonodavstva Ukrainy pro zakhyst vykryvachiv koruptsii [Scientific and practical commentary on the legislation of Ukraine on the protection of whistleblowers] (Oksana Nesterenko, Ed.). RED ZET. https://acrec.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/comments_upd.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Marchuk, Anton, & Nesterenko, Oksana. (2017). Analitychne doslidzhennia “Otsinka vykonannia antykoruptsiinoi stratehii: dosiahnennia ta vyklyky” [The analytical study “Evaluation of the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy: achievements and challenges”]. Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre. http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20885 [in Ukrainian].
Meleshevych, Andrii, Nesterenko, Oksana, Bader, Maks et al. (2019). Hromadianske suspilstvo vs. koruptsiia v Ukraini [Civil society vs. corruption in Ukraine] (O. V. Nesterenko, Ed.). Dukh i Litera. https://acrec.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/AntiCorruption.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Nesterenko, O. V. (2014). Pravovyi zakhyst vykryvalnykiv (whistleblowers): teoretychni aspekty ta konstytutsiina neobkhidnist [Legal protection of whistleblowers: theoretical aspects and constitutional necessity]. Pravo Ukrainy, (12), 104–111. https://pravoua.com.ua/uk/store/pravoukr/pravoukr_12_14/Nesterenko_12_14 [in Ukrainian].
Bader, Max, Huss, Oksana, Meleshevych, Andriy, & Nesterenko, Oksana. (2019). Civil society against corruption in Ukraine: pathways to impact. Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, (5), 1–35. https://doi.org/10.18523/kmlpj189975.2019-5.1-35
Head of the Interdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Combating Corruption in Ukraine at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
Oksana Nesterenko is an expert in the field of anti-corruption policy, constitutional law, in particular, freedom of expression and mass media, the right to access public information, personal data protection, open governance, whistleblower protection, etc. Oksana Nesterenko is a co-author of the draft law “On Protection of Whistleblowers” and was a member of the working group on the development of the Laws of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” and “On Information” (new edition), and acts as an expert on numerous projects aimed at increasing the transparency of the Ukrainian government and freedom of the media, the rule of law and democratic development of Ukraine.
Main publications:
Nesterenko, O., Severyn, O. (2008). Pravo na dostup do informatsii: teoriia ta praktyka [The right of access to information: theory and practice]. Prava liudyny. https://library.nlu.edu.ua/POLN_TEXT/KNIGI_2009_2/Dostup_do_infor_2008.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Holovenko, Roman, Kotliar, Dmytro, Nesterenko, Oksana, & Shevchenko, Taras. (2012). Zakon Ukrainy “Pro dostup do publichnoi informatsii”: naukovo-praktychnyi komentar [The Law of Ukraine “On access to public information”: scientific and practical commentary] (Dmytro Kotliar, Ed.). Tsentr suspilnykh media. https://www.rada.gov.ua/uploads/documents/72474.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Biletskyi, Andrii, Derkach, Serhii, Kalitenko, Oleksandr, Karpova, Olena, Lutsyk, Vasyl, & Nesterenko, Oksana. (2021). Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar zakonodavstva Ukrainy pro zakhyst vykryvachiv koruptsii [Scientific and practical commentary on the legislation of Ukraine on the protection of whistleblowers] (Oksana Nesterenko, Ed.). RED ZET. https://acrec.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/comments_upd.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Marchuk, Anton, & Nesterenko, Oksana. (2017). Analitychne doslidzhennia “Otsinka vykonannia antykoruptsiinoi stratehii: dosiahnennia ta vyklyky” [The analytical study “Evaluation of the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy: achievements and challenges”]. Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre. http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20885 [in Ukrainian].
Meleshevych, Andrii, Nesterenko, Oksana, Bader, Maks et al. (2019). Hromadianske suspilstvo vs. koruptsiia v Ukraini [Civil society vs. corruption in Ukraine] (O. V. Nesterenko, Ed.). Dukh i Litera. https://acrec.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/AntiCorruption.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Nesterenko, O. V. (2014). Pravovyi zakhyst vykryvalnykiv (whistleblowers): teoretychni aspekty ta konstytutsiina neobkhidnist [Legal protection of whistleblowers: theoretical aspects and constitutional necessity]. Pravo Ukrainy, (12), 104–111. https://pravoua.com.ua/uk/store/pravoukr/pravoukr_12_14/Nesterenko_12_14 [in Ukrainian].
Bader, Max, Huss, Oksana, Meleshevych, Andriy, & Nesterenko, Oksana. (2019). Civil society against corruption in Ukraine: pathways to impact. Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, (5), 1–35. https://doi.org/10.18523/kmlpj189975.2019-5.1-35
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Building 4 NaUKMA, room 326
st. Voloska, 8/5
Building 4 NaUKMA, room 326
st. Voloska, 8/5