Заходи торгівельного захисту в міжнародній торгівлі (англ.мовою)

This a course for graduate students that covers the theory of “fair” and “unfair” trade remedies, as well as the practice of conducting anti-dumping, countervailing duties and safeguards investigations and the application the respective measures. The dimension of trade remedies is the most practical area of WTO law and the vast majority of WTO disputes cover this subject matter. During the course we discuss the concepts of “dumping” and learn how to calculate the dumping margin, deliberate on the practise of “zeroing” and the reasons why this issue is so sensitive for the USA, particularly, compare “serious injury” with “material injury”, cover the stages of the investigations and the role of national institutions in conducting such investigations. We cover contemporary

WTO case-law which deals with trade remedies in WTO law. This is a very practical course which will provide a great advantage for the lawyers in their trade law careers.