Ilchenko-Syuyva Lesya. Socially responsible investments as a factor of ensuring public welfare in postwar recovery in Ukraine
The war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine brought a lot of grief, suffering, and worries
to Ukraine, destroyed economic ties and businesses. But from the very first days of the war (after the 24th
of February, 2022), Ukrainian business showed its extraordinary side – sustainability, resilience and social
solidarity and responsibility.
It gives us possibility to assume that if these features of Ukrainian businesses and social entrepreneurships
withstood in exertional conditions, then we may design our post-war recovery strategies and policies based
on high involvement of those policy actors. Actually, Ukraine has already gotten such and experience (after
2014 – annexation of Crimea). In the context of this paper we may describe a few of them (i.e. Veterano
Pizza in Kyiv etc.)
In order to ensure real sustainable development in post-war recovery, it is extremely important to
harmonize three interrelated elements: economic growth, social integration and inclusion of certain groups
of Ukrainian citizens (for example, veterans, persons injured as a result of hostilities, internally displaced
persons, etc.), protection and restoration of the environment, which is of a crucial importance to ensure
social well-being.