Економічне право Європейського Союзу (англійською мовою)
In the course of its functioning the EU has evolved to one of the most dynamic economic integration institutions in the world. A unique legal regulation of the international cooperation among the EU members has been established within its legal order, especially in the economic area. The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge about the legal regulation of economic freedoms in the EU accompanied by in-sights into the selected sectoral cooperation issues. Learning outcomes: it is expected that after the completion of this course students will be able:
· To know the content of the four economic freedoms, EU competition rules and Common Commercial Policy, including the relevant case-law of the European Court of Justice ;
· To analyze the impact of the EU regulation on the external relations with third countries, including Ukraine;
· To improve research and writing skills while submitting the research papers;
Academic honesty policy.
In line with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine’s recommendations concerning the academic honesty practices, students must avoid at any stage any type of dishonest academic practices, while participating at the course.
Teaching methodology.
The course will have equal number of lectures and seminars; lectures will be followed by round-table debates, conducted in the class-room with an aim to discuss the relevant ECJ case-law and recent developments in legal regulation of the economic freedoms in the European Union. During the course it is expected that students will work on special research topics assigned to each of them and prepare a short PPT-presentation with research outcomes
Міжнародне право біотехнологій
2 семестр, 3 год/тижд., 3 кредита Є