Yuliia Kirillova

Yuliia Kirillova
Senior Lecture of the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
Master's degree in the specialty «Public administration», master's degree in the specialty «Law».
Co-founder and board member of the Women's Veterans Movement NGO.
She has 2 years of civil service experience.
2015-2016 - service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Since November 2022 - Leading Specialist, Head of the Training Sector, Head of the Training and Analytical Department, First Deputy Director, Acting Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund.
October 2024 - Deputy Minister of Veteran Affairs of Ukraine.
Awards, honorary titles. Member 3rd Class of the Order of Princess Olga, Awards of Ministry of Defence of Ukraine «Badge of Honor», Medal of the Ministry of Defense «For Supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine», and Badge of the 25th Battalion «Kyivan Rus», laureate of the Open World program for work with veterans.
Teaches disciplines: Mediation and conflict regulation.
Scientific interests: Research of the processes of social reintegration of veterans, development and implementation of policies to support military personnel and their families, ensuring the principles of gender equality in the security and defense sector, as well as determining the role of education and entrepreneurship in restoring the social and economic potential of society in the period of post-war reconstruction. Studying the mechanisms of adaptation of veterans to civilian life, developing strategies for interaction between state and public institutions, and creating favorable conditions for the development of veteran entrepreneurship as a tool for socio-economic stability.
Main publications:
Spirina, Kateryna, Znoviak, Vladyslava, Kirillova, Yuliia, Velychko-Trifonyuk, Ruslana, & Gubashov, Denys. ([2022]). Portrait of a veteran in Russian-Ukrainian war 2014–2022 (July – August 2022). Ukrainskyi veteranskyi fond [Ukrainian Veterans Foundation]. https://veteranfund.com.ua/en/analitik/portrait-of-a-veteran-in-russian-ukrainian-war/
Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, Kazanska, Alona, & Tkalych, Marianna. ([2023]). Potreby veteraniv 2023 (sichen – kviten 2023 roku) [Veterans’ needs 2023 (January – April 2023)]. Ukrainskyi veteranskyi fond [Ukrainian Veterans Foundation]. https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/needs-of-veterans-2023/ [in Ukrainian].
Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, & Kazanska, Alona. (2023). Potreby ta pereshkody veteraniv pry pratsevlashtuvanni (cherven – lypen 2023 r.): sotsiolohichne doslidzhennia [Needs and obstacles of veterans in employment (June – July 2023): sociological study]. Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. https://veteranfund.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Zvit_pereshkodi_precevlashtuvanii.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Department of Educational and Analytical Work of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. ([2023]). Vidsutnist mozhlyvostei dlia pratsevlashtuvannia veteraniv z invalidnistiu: ryzyky dlia derzhavy ta suspilstva [Lack of employment opportunities for veterans with disabilities: risks for the state and society]. Ukrainskyi veteranskyi fond [Ukrainian Veterans Foundation]. URL: https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/vidsutnist_mozhlyvostei_dlia_pratsevlashtuvannia_veteraniv_z_invalidnistiu/ [in Ukrainian].
Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, & Dolia, Iryna. (2023). Portret veterana (veresen – zhovten 2023 roku) [Portrait of a Veteran (September – October 2023)]. Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/portrait-of-veteran/ [in Ukrainian].
Velychko-Tryfoniuk, Ruslana, Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, & Dolia, Iryna. (2024). Aktualni potreby ta bachennia mozhlyvostei dlia kariernoho i profesiinoho zrostannia veteraniv: onlain-opytuvannia sered veteraniv ta diiuchykh viiskovosluzhbovtsiv (15–25 sichnia 2024 roku) [Current needs and vision of opportunities for career and professional growth of veterans: online survey among veterans and active military personnel (January 15–25, 2024)]. Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/aktualni-potreby-ta-bachennia-mozhlyvostey-dlia-kar-iernoho-i-profesiynoho-zrostannia-veteraniv/ [in Ukrainian].
Department of Educational and Analytical Work of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. ([2024]). Innovatsiini pidkhody do pratsevlashtuvannia ta perekvalifikatsii veteraniv: svitovyi dosvid i perspektyvy dlia Ukrainy (traven 2024 roku) [Innovative approaches to employment and retraining of veterans: world experience and prospects for Ukraine (May 2024)]. https://veteranfund.com.ua/innovative-approaches-to-employment-and-retraining-of-veterans/ [in Ukrainian].
Co-founder and board member of the Women's Veterans Movement NGO.
She has 2 years of civil service experience.
2015-2016 - service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Since November 2022 - Leading Specialist, Head of the Training Sector, Head of the Training and Analytical Department, First Deputy Director, Acting Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund.
October 2024 - Deputy Minister of Veteran Affairs of Ukraine.
Awards, honorary titles. Member 3rd Class of the Order of Princess Olga, Awards of Ministry of Defence of Ukraine «Badge of Honor», Medal of the Ministry of Defense «For Supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine», and Badge of the 25th Battalion «Kyivan Rus», laureate of the Open World program for work with veterans.
Teaches disciplines: Mediation and conflict regulation.
Scientific interests: Research of the processes of social reintegration of veterans, development and implementation of policies to support military personnel and their families, ensuring the principles of gender equality in the security and defense sector, as well as determining the role of education and entrepreneurship in restoring the social and economic potential of society in the period of post-war reconstruction. Studying the mechanisms of adaptation of veterans to civilian life, developing strategies for interaction between state and public institutions, and creating favorable conditions for the development of veteran entrepreneurship as a tool for socio-economic stability.
Main publications:
Spirina, Kateryna, Znoviak, Vladyslava, Kirillova, Yuliia, Velychko-Trifonyuk, Ruslana, & Gubashov, Denys. ([2022]). Portrait of a veteran in Russian-Ukrainian war 2014–2022 (July – August 2022). Ukrainskyi veteranskyi fond [Ukrainian Veterans Foundation]. https://veteranfund.com.ua/en/analitik/portrait-of-a-veteran-in-russian-ukrainian-war/
Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, Kazanska, Alona, & Tkalych, Marianna. ([2023]). Potreby veteraniv 2023 (sichen – kviten 2023 roku) [Veterans’ needs 2023 (January – April 2023)]. Ukrainskyi veteranskyi fond [Ukrainian Veterans Foundation]. https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/needs-of-veterans-2023/ [in Ukrainian].
Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, & Kazanska, Alona. (2023). Potreby ta pereshkody veteraniv pry pratsevlashtuvanni (cherven – lypen 2023 r.): sotsiolohichne doslidzhennia [Needs and obstacles of veterans in employment (June – July 2023): sociological study]. Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. https://veteranfund.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Zvit_pereshkodi_precevlashtuvanii.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Department of Educational and Analytical Work of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. ([2023]). Vidsutnist mozhlyvostei dlia pratsevlashtuvannia veteraniv z invalidnistiu: ryzyky dlia derzhavy ta suspilstva [Lack of employment opportunities for veterans with disabilities: risks for the state and society]. Ukrainskyi veteranskyi fond [Ukrainian Veterans Foundation]. URL: https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/vidsutnist_mozhlyvostei_dlia_pratsevlashtuvannia_veteraniv_z_invalidnistiu/ [in Ukrainian].
Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, & Dolia, Iryna. (2023). Portret veterana (veresen – zhovten 2023 roku) [Portrait of a Veteran (September – October 2023)]. Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/portrait-of-veteran/ [in Ukrainian].
Velychko-Tryfoniuk, Ruslana, Kirillova, Yuliia, Znoviak, Vladyslava, & Dolia, Iryna. (2024). Aktualni potreby ta bachennia mozhlyvostei dlia kariernoho i profesiinoho zrostannia veteraniv: onlain-opytuvannia sered veteraniv ta diiuchykh viiskovosluzhbovtsiv (15–25 sichnia 2024 roku) [Current needs and vision of opportunities for career and professional growth of veterans: online survey among veterans and active military personnel (January 15–25, 2024)]. Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/aktualni-potreby-ta-bachennia-mozhlyvostey-dlia-kar-iernoho-i-profesiynoho-zrostannia-veteraniv/ [in Ukrainian].
Department of Educational and Analytical Work of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. ([2024]). Innovatsiini pidkhody do pratsevlashtuvannia ta perekvalifikatsii veteraniv: svitovyi dosvid i perspektyvy dlia Ukrainy (traven 2024 roku) [Innovative approaches to employment and retraining of veterans: world experience and prospects for Ukraine (May 2024)]. https://veteranfund.com.ua/innovative-approaches-to-employment-and-retraining-of-veterans/ [in Ukrainian].