Vladyslav Miroshnychenko

Vladyslav Miroshnychenko
Associate Lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
He has experience in public service, having worked at the Office of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine and in the civil sector. His research interests focus on the de-occupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as the introduction of elements of transitional justice. He is the author of several studies, including:
- The Right to Higher Education for Crimeans Without the Opportunity for Implementation
- Informational Occupation of Crimea after 24.02.2024
- Expel or Keep: The Fate of Illegal Migrants in Occupied Crimea
At the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance, he teaches courses on "Transitional Justice and Reintegration Policy," "Public Administration, Post-War Governance, and Recovery," and "Comparative Policy-Making Procedures in the EU, USA/Canada, and Ukraine."
Main publications:
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2024). “Vydvoryty ne mozhna zalyshyty” – dolia osib, yaki nezakonno oselylysia v okupovanomu Krymu [“Vydvoryty ne mozhna zalyshyty” – the fate of persons who illegally settled in the occupied Crimea]. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. https://www.helsinki.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Illegal_migrants_ukr_A4-kopiia.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav, Skrypnyk, Serhii, Khalimon, Olena, Svyrydova, Daria, Yaremenko, Ihor, & Lubinets, Dmytro. (2020). Aktualni oriientyry derzhavnoi polityky shchodo tymchasovoi okupatsii Avtonomnoi Respubliky Krym ta m. Sevastopolia [Actual orientations of state policy regarding the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol city]. The Representative Office of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine. https://kompravlud.rada.gov.ua/uploads/documents/33790.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Pravo na vyshchu osvitu dlia krymchan bez mozhlyvosti realizatsii [The right to higher education for Crimeans that cannot be implemented]. (2023). Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. https://www.helsinki.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Pravo-na-vyshchu-osvitu-dlia-krymchan-bez-mozhlyvosti-realizatsii.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav, & Sitchenko, Leonid. (2023). Informatsiina okupatsiia Krymu pislia 24 liutoho 2022 roku [Informational occupation of Crimea after February 24, 2022]. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. https://www.helsinki.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Restrict_freedom_speech-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2ISCbgrZIBbQI2NisluYtA5N7Pc9s5wg1093HIWT-_AZ8jUPnMcd5wX2k [in Ukrainian].
Myroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2023, December 10). The shifting demography of the Occupied Territories (2022–2023). T4P. https://t4pua.org/en/2119
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2021, July 22). Pryrodni terytorii Krymu: shcho zminylosia za chasiv okupatsii [Natural territories of Crimea: what changed during the occupation]. Tsentr zhurnalistskykh rozsliduvan [Center of Journalistic Investigations]. https://investigator.org.ua/ua/investigations/235706/ [in Ukrainian].
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2020, February 09). Wild tulips under Russian bombs. The destruction of the Opuk nature reserve. Black Sea News. https://www.blackseanews.net/en/read/160584#
- The Right to Higher Education for Crimeans Without the Opportunity for Implementation
- Informational Occupation of Crimea after 24.02.2024
- Expel or Keep: The Fate of Illegal Migrants in Occupied Crimea
At the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance, he teaches courses on "Transitional Justice and Reintegration Policy," "Public Administration, Post-War Governance, and Recovery," and "Comparative Policy-Making Procedures in the EU, USA/Canada, and Ukraine."
Main publications:
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2024). “Vydvoryty ne mozhna zalyshyty” – dolia osib, yaki nezakonno oselylysia v okupovanomu Krymu [“Vydvoryty ne mozhna zalyshyty” – the fate of persons who illegally settled in the occupied Crimea]. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. https://www.helsinki.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Illegal_migrants_ukr_A4-kopiia.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav, Skrypnyk, Serhii, Khalimon, Olena, Svyrydova, Daria, Yaremenko, Ihor, & Lubinets, Dmytro. (2020). Aktualni oriientyry derzhavnoi polityky shchodo tymchasovoi okupatsii Avtonomnoi Respubliky Krym ta m. Sevastopolia [Actual orientations of state policy regarding the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol city]. The Representative Office of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine. https://kompravlud.rada.gov.ua/uploads/documents/33790.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Pravo na vyshchu osvitu dlia krymchan bez mozhlyvosti realizatsii [The right to higher education for Crimeans that cannot be implemented]. (2023). Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. https://www.helsinki.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Pravo-na-vyshchu-osvitu-dlia-krymchan-bez-mozhlyvosti-realizatsii.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav, & Sitchenko, Leonid. (2023). Informatsiina okupatsiia Krymu pislia 24 liutoho 2022 roku [Informational occupation of Crimea after February 24, 2022]. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. https://www.helsinki.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Restrict_freedom_speech-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2ISCbgrZIBbQI2NisluYtA5N7Pc9s5wg1093HIWT-_AZ8jUPnMcd5wX2k [in Ukrainian].
Myroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2023, December 10). The shifting demography of the Occupied Territories (2022–2023). T4P. https://t4pua.org/en/2119
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2021, July 22). Pryrodni terytorii Krymu: shcho zminylosia za chasiv okupatsii [Natural territories of Crimea: what changed during the occupation]. Tsentr zhurnalistskykh rozsliduvan [Center of Journalistic Investigations]. https://investigator.org.ua/ua/investigations/235706/ [in Ukrainian].
Miroshnychenko, Vladyslav. (2020, February 09). Wild tulips under Russian bombs. The destruction of the Opuk nature reserve. Black Sea News. https://www.blackseanews.net/en/read/160584#