Volodymyr Petrakovskyi

Volodymyr Petrakovskyi
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law
In 2012, he graduated with honors from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a master's degree in law, specialty "Jurisprudence".
After graduation, he worked for 3.5 years at the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office, where he provided procedural guidance in criminal proceedings concerning law enforcement officers and judges, as well as persons on the European Union's sanctions list. After working in the prosecutor's office, he has been working as an independent expert on law enforcement and prosecution in the non-governmental sector. He has been working at the faculty since September 2018.

Main publications:

Mykhailenko, V. V., Bielousov, Yu. L., Venher, V. M., Hryha, R. M., Hiulmahomedov, D. O., Derkach, S. A., Krapyvin, Ye. O., Orlean, A. M., Parkhomenko, P. I., Petrakovskyi, V. V., Pirohova, O. I., Semak, I. A., Yavorska, V. V., Abakumov, O. Yu., Demchuk, P. V., Kozlyieva, Z. U., & Shalota, K. V. (2024). Standarty dosudovoho rozsliduvannia [Standards of pretrial investigation] (Second edition). Yurinkom Inter [in Ukrainian].

Banchuk, O., Kameniev, M., Krapyvin, Y., Malyshev, B., Petrakovsky, V., & Tsapok, M. (2019). Disciplinary responsibility of prosecutors in Ukraine: summary. Moskalenko O. M. https://pravo.org.ua/books/disciplinary-responsibility-of-prosecutors-in-ukraine-summary/

Petrakovskyi, Volodymyr, & Bakhmaiier, Lorena. (2022). Ekspertnyi analiz dystsyplinarnoi praktyky Vidpovidnoho orhanu prokuratury, shcho zdiisniuie dystsyplinarne provadzhennia, za 9 misiatsiv roboty (2021–2022) [Disciplinary practice of the Designated Authority in charge of disciplinary proceedings: nine months of operations in 2021–2022]. Council of Europe. https://rm.coe.int/report-disciplinary-practice-final/1680a9bf3c [in Ukrainian].

Petrakovskyi, Volodymyr. (2024, March 04). Rezultaty NSRD u nekryminalnykh provadzhenniakh: sud YeS proty Lytvy [Results of Covert Investigative Actions in non-criminal proceedings: EU Court v. Lithuania]. JustTalk. https://justtalk.com.ua/post/rezultati-nsrd-u-nekriminalnih-provadzhennyah-sud-es-proti-litvi [in Ukrainian].

Petrakovskyi, Volodymyr. (2023, July 25). Yak Verkhovnyi sud SShA otsiniuvav by st. 364 KK Ukrainy? [How would SCOTUS consider Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine?]. JustTalk. https://justtalk.com.ua/post/yak-verhovnij-sud-ssha-otsinyuvav-bi-st-364-kk-ukraini [in Ukrainian].

Petrakovskyi, Volodymyr. (2021, May 24). «Nenalezhna pidslidnist»: sudovyi aktyvizm chy deshcho inshe? [«Improper Investigative Jurisdiction»: Judicial Activism or…?]. JustTalk. https://justtalk.com.ua/post/nenalezhna-pidslidnist-sudovij-aktivizm-chi-descho-inshe [in Ukrainian].

Petrakovskyi, Volodymyr. (2021, July 01). Konflikt prokurora y ofitsera pravoporiadku: shcho skazav Verkhovnyi sud Kanady? [Conflict between Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Officer: what has the Supreme Court of Canada said?]. JustTalk. https://justtalk.com.ua/post/konflikt-prokurora-j-ofitsera-pravoporyadku-scho-skazav-verhovnij-sud-kanadi [in Ukrainian].