Nataliia Synytsyna

Nataliia Synytsyna
Associate Professor of the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, рrofessor of the special department of the Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, certified adult education trainer, 19 years of civil service experience.
Teaches disciplines: Rhetoric and public speaking, Basics of academic integrity and research methodology, Basics of scientific research.
Scientific interests: communications in public administration, oratory/rhetoric, methods of scientific research, art of business communication, human resources management, education management, adult education, lifelong learning, soft and hard skills.
Teaches disciplines: Rhetoric and public speaking, Basics of academic integrity and research methodology, Basics of scientific research.
Scientific interests: communications in public administration, oratory/rhetoric, methods of scientific research, art of business communication, human resources management, education management, adult education, lifelong learning, soft and hard skills.