Milena Chorna

Milena Chorna

Senior teacher of the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Government
An art historian and a cultural heritage expert. Co-founder and Head of the Ukrainian Museum Association. At present works as an expert of the subgroup on safeguarding cultural heritage of Ukraine at the European Commission, as a national representative of the Europeana Members Council, and as a national representative of the international museum award EMYA (European Museum of the Year) of the European Museum Academy. Volunteered for the Museum Crisis Center (March 2022 - January 2023). An expert on cultural heritage of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation since 2020. Authored over 40 scholarly articles and three white papers of Ukrainian ministries. Over 20 years of working experience in regional and national museums of Ukraine.

Main publications:

Chorna, Milena. (2023, August 25). Batkivshchyna-maty z tryzubom na shchyti. Rozpovidaiemo pro avtora, prototyp ta inshi mify [The Motherland monument with a trident on a shield. We talk about the author, the prototype and other myths]. Ukrainska pravda. Zhyttia [Ukrainian truth. Life]. [in Ukrainian].

Chorna, Milena. (2023, August 23). Pereoznachennia “Batkivshchyny-materi”: tsina vs tsinnist [Redefining the “Motherland” monument: price vs value]. Ukrainska pravda. Zhyttia [Ukrainian truth. Life]. [in Ukrainian].

Chorna, Milena. (2023, April 24). Vyprobuvannia Yahidnym: test na zrilist ukrainskoi muzeinoi sfery [The trial by Yahidnyi: a test of the maturity of the Ukrainian museum sphere]. [in Ukrainian].

Chorna, Milena. (2023, May 15). “Muzeinyi Oskar” – vpershe v Ukraini. Vypadkovist chy zakonomirnist? [“Museum Oscar” – for the first time in Ukraine. Coincidence or regularity?]. [in Ukrainian].

Chorna, Milena. (2023, June 27). Stvorennia muzeinykh vystavok. Seriia persha: “Vchymosia hraty symfonii” [Creation of museum exhibitions. Series one: “Learning to play symphonies”]. [in Ukrainian].

Chorna, Milena. (2022). Cultural heritage in war-stricken Ukraine: up close and personal. Zprávy památkové péče [Journal of Historical Heritage Preservation], (2), 311–315.