Kateryna Busol

Kateryna Busol
Associate Professor of the Department of International and European Law
As a scholar and practitioner, Kateryna has worked on conflict-related sexual violence, crimes affecting cultural heritage, direct and public incitement to genocide, reparations and Ukraine's transitional justice process. She has worked with UN Women, Global Survivors Fund, Global Rights Compliance and Truth Hounds and advised Ukrainian prosecutors and judges on armed conflict-related proceedings. Kateryna has been a fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Chatham House and a visiting professional at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
Main publications:
Busol, Kateryna. (2024, May 07). Symposium on reproductive violence in international law: beyond sexual – reproductive and obstetric violence in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Opinio Juris. https://opiniojuris.org/2024/06/07/symposium-on-reproductive-violence-in-international-law-beyond-sexual-reproductive-and-obstetric-violence-in-russias-aggression-against-ukraine/
Busol, Kateryna, & Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala. (2024, May 17). Women are at the center of Ukraine’s path to justice and recovery. Just Security. https://www.justsecurity.org/95788/women-center-ukraine-recovery/
Busol, Kateryna. (2024). Reparations for atrocity victims in Ukraine: survivors’ aspirations and the emerging legal framework. The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art. The Human Agenda, 199–204. https://www.cjlpa.org/post/reparations-for-atrocity-victims-in-ukraine-survivors-aspirations-and-the-emerging-legal-framework
Busol, Kateryna. (2023). When the head of state makes rape jokes, his troops rape on the ground: conflict-related sexual violence in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Journal of Genocide Research, 25(3–4), 279–314. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623528.2023.2292344
Busol, Kateryna. (2023). Fallacy 8: “Ukraine’s pursuit of justice hinders peace”. In How to end Russia’s war on Ukraine. Safeguarding Europe’s future, and the dangers of a false peace (p. 36–40). Royal Institute of International Affairs. https://doi.org/10.55317/9781784135782
Campfens, Evelien, Jakubowski, Andrzej, Hausler, Kristin, & Selter, Elke. (2023). Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond (Kateryna Busol, Elmira Ablyalimova-Chyihoz, Dmytro Koval & Denys Yashnyi, Contributors). Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies. https://doi.org/10.2861/187214
Busol, Kateryna. (2022, June 20). If Ukraine’s fate is not a Menu à la Carte, then Ukrainian voices must be heard. EJIL: Talk! https://www.ejiltalk.org/if-ukraines-fate-is-not-a-menu-a-la-carte-then-ukrainian-voices-must-be-heard/
Main publications:
Busol, Kateryna. (2024, May 07). Symposium on reproductive violence in international law: beyond sexual – reproductive and obstetric violence in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Opinio Juris. https://opiniojuris.org/2024/06/07/symposium-on-reproductive-violence-in-international-law-beyond-sexual-reproductive-and-obstetric-violence-in-russias-aggression-against-ukraine/
Busol, Kateryna, & Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala. (2024, May 17). Women are at the center of Ukraine’s path to justice and recovery. Just Security. https://www.justsecurity.org/95788/women-center-ukraine-recovery/
Busol, Kateryna. (2024). Reparations for atrocity victims in Ukraine: survivors’ aspirations and the emerging legal framework. The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art. The Human Agenda, 199–204. https://www.cjlpa.org/post/reparations-for-atrocity-victims-in-ukraine-survivors-aspirations-and-the-emerging-legal-framework
Busol, Kateryna. (2023). When the head of state makes rape jokes, his troops rape on the ground: conflict-related sexual violence in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Journal of Genocide Research, 25(3–4), 279–314. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623528.2023.2292344
Busol, Kateryna. (2023). Fallacy 8: “Ukraine’s pursuit of justice hinders peace”. In How to end Russia’s war on Ukraine. Safeguarding Europe’s future, and the dangers of a false peace (p. 36–40). Royal Institute of International Affairs. https://doi.org/10.55317/9781784135782
Campfens, Evelien, Jakubowski, Andrzej, Hausler, Kristin, & Selter, Elke. (2023). Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond (Kateryna Busol, Elmira Ablyalimova-Chyihoz, Dmytro Koval & Denys Yashnyi, Contributors). Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies. https://doi.org/10.2861/187214
Busol, Kateryna. (2022, June 20). If Ukraine’s fate is not a Menu à la Carte, then Ukrainian voices must be heard. EJIL: Talk! https://www.ejiltalk.org/if-ukraines-fate-is-not-a-menu-a-la-carte-then-ukrainian-voices-must-be-heard/