Anastasiia Apetyk

Anastasiia Apetyk
Senior Lecturer at the Andriy Meleshevych Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
Master of Law, Senior Lecturer at the Andriy Meleshevych Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance.
A legal professional and expert in cybersecurity and digital technologies with over 12 years of experience in security and governance. Chairperson of the NGO «MINZMIN» and founder of Apetyk Consulting.
She has collaborated with the International Centre for Defense and Security, the Council of Europe Office, the EU Project «Pravo-Justice» the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM), the International Telecommunication Union, the National Police of Ukraine, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and the State Service of Education Quality.
Anastasiia is the founder of the Cyber Gate portal and the author of educational materials in the «Online Security» section of Diia.Education.
She is a recipient of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award for Outstanding Achievements in Youth Development of Ukraine and was listed in Kyiv Post’s Top 30 Under 30.
Professional interests include cybersecurity, the development of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, digital rights, data protection, strategic development and management, and startup growth.
Courses authored:
• «Internet Security During Wartime»
• «Information Security for Prosecutors and Prosecution Staff»
• «Digital Rights and Child Online Safety»
• «Privacy on the Internet for Parents and Educators»
Main publications:
Kovaliv, M. V., & Apetyk, A. M. (2022). Osoblyvosti zakhystu personalnykh danykh, shcho vykorystovuiutsia pry realizatsii dyskretsiinykh povnovazhen orhanamy derzhavnoi vlady ta mistsevoho samovriaduvannia [Features of data protection used in the exercise of discretional powers by state authorities and local government bodies]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical Scientific and Electronic Journal], (5), 381–384. [in Ukrainian].
Tererik, Dmitri, Senkiv, Grigori, Dubov, Dmytro, Pokalchuk, Oleh, Miroshkin, Illia, Iliuk, Oksana, Apetyk, Anastasiia, & Snihur, Larysa. (2021). Resilient Ukraine – a delicate mosaic? Society, media, security, and future prospects (November 2021). International Centre for Defence and Security.
Apetyk, A. M. (2022). Problemy stanovlennia ta rozvytku instytutu zakhystu personalnykh danykh: istoryko-pravovyi aspect [Challenges in establishing and developing the institution of personal data protection: historical-legal aspect]. In Konstytutsiini prava i svobody liudyny ta hromadianyna v umovakh voiennoho stanu [Constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen under martial law] (M. V. Kovaliv, M. T. Havryltsiv, & N. Ya. Lepish, Compilers) (p. 7–11). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, Anastasiia. (2021). Mizhnarodnyi dosvid realizatsii zakhodiv shchodo obrobky personalnykh danykh u merezhi Internet [International experience in implementing personal data processing measures on the Internet]. In Teoretyko-prykladni problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia v Ukraini [Theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation in Ukraine] (I. V. Krasnytskyi, Ed.) (p. 9–12). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, A. M. (2021). Yurydychna pryroda personalnykh danykh [Legal nature of personal data]. In Suchasnyi konstytutsionalizm: problemy teorii ta praktyky [Modern constitutionalism: problems of theory and practice] (M. T. Havryltsiv, Compiler) (p. 6–10). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, A. M. (2020). Osoblyvosti formuvannia ta rehuliuvannia informatsiinoho prostoru [Features of formation and regulation of the information space]. In Informatsiini tekhnolohii v osviti ta praktytsi [Information technologies in education and practice] (T. V. Maherovska, Compiler) (p. 87–88). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, Anastasiia. (2020). Zakhyst personalnykh danykh pratsivnyka v Ukraini [Protection of employee personal data in Ukraine]. Teoretyko-prykladni problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia v Ukraini [Theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation in Ukraine] (I. V. Krasnytskyi, Ed.) (p. 15–19). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
A legal professional and expert in cybersecurity and digital technologies with over 12 years of experience in security and governance. Chairperson of the NGO «MINZMIN» and founder of Apetyk Consulting.
She has collaborated with the International Centre for Defense and Security, the Council of Europe Office, the EU Project «Pravo-Justice» the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM), the International Telecommunication Union, the National Police of Ukraine, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and the State Service of Education Quality.
Anastasiia is the founder of the Cyber Gate portal and the author of educational materials in the «Online Security» section of Diia.Education.
She is a recipient of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award for Outstanding Achievements in Youth Development of Ukraine and was listed in Kyiv Post’s Top 30 Under 30.
Professional interests include cybersecurity, the development of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, digital rights, data protection, strategic development and management, and startup growth.
Courses authored:
• «Internet Security During Wartime»
• «Information Security for Prosecutors and Prosecution Staff»
• «Digital Rights and Child Online Safety»
• «Privacy on the Internet for Parents and Educators»
Main publications:
Kovaliv, M. V., & Apetyk, A. M. (2022). Osoblyvosti zakhystu personalnykh danykh, shcho vykorystovuiutsia pry realizatsii dyskretsiinykh povnovazhen orhanamy derzhavnoi vlady ta mistsevoho samovriaduvannia [Features of data protection used in the exercise of discretional powers by state authorities and local government bodies]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical Scientific and Electronic Journal], (5), 381–384. [in Ukrainian].
Tererik, Dmitri, Senkiv, Grigori, Dubov, Dmytro, Pokalchuk, Oleh, Miroshkin, Illia, Iliuk, Oksana, Apetyk, Anastasiia, & Snihur, Larysa. (2021). Resilient Ukraine – a delicate mosaic? Society, media, security, and future prospects (November 2021). International Centre for Defence and Security.
Apetyk, A. M. (2022). Problemy stanovlennia ta rozvytku instytutu zakhystu personalnykh danykh: istoryko-pravovyi aspect [Challenges in establishing and developing the institution of personal data protection: historical-legal aspect]. In Konstytutsiini prava i svobody liudyny ta hromadianyna v umovakh voiennoho stanu [Constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen under martial law] (M. V. Kovaliv, M. T. Havryltsiv, & N. Ya. Lepish, Compilers) (p. 7–11). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, Anastasiia. (2021). Mizhnarodnyi dosvid realizatsii zakhodiv shchodo obrobky personalnykh danykh u merezhi Internet [International experience in implementing personal data processing measures on the Internet]. In Teoretyko-prykladni problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia v Ukraini [Theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation in Ukraine] (I. V. Krasnytskyi, Ed.) (p. 9–12). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, A. M. (2021). Yurydychna pryroda personalnykh danykh [Legal nature of personal data]. In Suchasnyi konstytutsionalizm: problemy teorii ta praktyky [Modern constitutionalism: problems of theory and practice] (M. T. Havryltsiv, Compiler) (p. 6–10). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, A. M. (2020). Osoblyvosti formuvannia ta rehuliuvannia informatsiinoho prostoru [Features of formation and regulation of the information space]. In Informatsiini tekhnolohii v osviti ta praktytsi [Information technologies in education and practice] (T. V. Maherovska, Compiler) (p. 87–88). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].
Apetyk, Anastasiia. (2020). Zakhyst personalnykh danykh pratsivnyka v Ukraini [Protection of employee personal data in Ukraine]. Teoretyko-prykladni problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia v Ukraini [Theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation in Ukraine] (I. V. Krasnytskyi, Ed.) (p. 15–19). Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. [in Ukrainian].