Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in European Studies

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in European Studies aims to implement and teach modern interdisciplinary courses in European Studies for bachelors, masters, postgraduate and doctoral students of NaUKMA in Ukrainian and English. Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in European Studies of NaUKMA is one of the leading research, education and resource centers for European integration in Ukraine. Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in European Studies of NaUKMA provides high modern standards of education and research in the field of European Studies.

The objectives of Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in European Studies of NaUKMA are:

  • implementation and teaching of modern interdisciplinary courses in European Studies for bachelors, masters, postgraduate and doctoral students of NaUKMA in Ukrainian and English;
  • raising the level of knowledge and awareness among students, scholars and civil servants of Ukraine on the issues of economic, political and legal cooperation between the EU and Ukraine;
  • development of educational materials on European Studies and their dissemination in Ukraine and abroad, performance and publication of scientific works;
  • organizing educational and scientific events on European Studies on the most urgent issues of European integration of Ukraine.

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Staff and experts
Юрій Бажал
завідувач кафедри економічної теорії НаУКМА
Kатерина Іващенко-Стаднік
науковий співробітник відділу методології та методів Інституту соціології НАН України
Ms. Zuzana Novakova
Visiting Research Fellow
Prof. Dr. Peter Van Elsuwege
Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Armen Mazmanyan
Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Marek Lenč
Visiting Research Fellow
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