Alumni Reunion 2023

On 5 October, a meeting of the Faculty’s alumni was held as part of the FPvS week: a discussion on bringing the aggressor country to justice and a presentation of the Mentoring Programme took place.
This was the first of many such events to follow. With this event, we launched a tradition of regular meetings of the School’s alumni in an intimate atmosphere with exclusive speakers to discuss current legal issues and develop networking.
The invited speakers were:
– Gilbert Beatty – Senior Legal Adviser at the ICC from 2005 to 2021, Judge at the Specialised Chambers for Kosovo since 2021.
– Pascal Turlan – Adviser on International Cooperation and Judicial Cooperation in the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC from 2003 to 2022, Legal and Programme Director of the Speeding Up Justice Project in Ukraine since 2022.
– Yuriy Belousov is the Head of the Department for Supervision of Criminal Proceedings for Crimes Committed in the Context of Armed Conflict in the Office of the Prosecutor General.
We would like to thank all those present! Join the next meetings to discuss the prospects of the Faculty’s development.