Alina Khaletska

Alina Khaletska
Professor of Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
Professor, doctor of sciences in public administration, professor of the department “Andriy Meleshevich Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance” of the Faculty of Law, NaUKMA, member of the Expert Council on Gender Integration at the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) (2020-2023) .); vice-president of the NGO “Association of Universities of the Third Age “Clepsydra” (since 2016); the winner in the “Voice on the international arena for the implementation of UN strategic global goals” nomination of the “Women of Kyiv: Influence and Leadership” competition (2024).
Practical activity:
Certificate program for veterans: “Leadership and Resilience”, Center for the Leadership of Defenders of Ukraine NaUKMA, Kyiv, 2024.
NAPS of Ukraine Certificate program for veterans: “Professional development of veterans for public service positions and service in local self-government bodies”, IREX, 2023 -2024.
Training courses for directors and deputy directors of schools, heads of branches of supporting institutions in the development of leadership competence, improvement of managerial competences in matters of effective communication and interpersonal interaction, development of social competence, Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, 2020 to 2024.
Trainings for NGOs:
“Public diplomacy and intercultural communication: “Ukraine – Canada” for the National Network for the Development of Local Philanthropy (Charity); trainings for public servants of the “Women's Leadership Academy” in Kyiv Municipal Administration, 2021 - 2022 and others.
Development of the online course “Effective Communication and Conflict Management in Public Service”, Prometeus, 2020.
Trainings for the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ bodies of Ukraine “Communication and interaction of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during the
war”, Kyiv, 2023; and trainings for civil servants of category A, B, Ukrainian School of Governmence, Kyiv, 2018 - 2021.
Scientific interests:
Public administration; Local democracy; Public and cultural diplomacy (City diplomacy); Leadership; Silver economy; European integration; Project management.
Main publications:
Khaletska, Alina. (2024). Henderna rivnist u vymiri publichnoi polityky Ukrainy v umovakh yevrointehratsii: reformy ta zminy [Gender equality in the public policy dimension of Ukraine in conditions of European integration: reforms and changes]. In Zdolność administracyjna państwa członkowskiego i kandydata do Unii Europejskiej: pojęcie, przejawy i determinanty [Administrative capacity of a member state and a candidate to the European Union: concept, manifestations and determinants] (Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Alina Khaletska, Vitalij Kovalchuk [et al.], Eds.) (p. 323–330). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [in Ukrainian].
Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Dyplomatiia mist v umovakh pohlyblennia intehratsiinykh protsesiv [City diplomacy in conditions of deepening integration processes]. In Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries (G. Riabtsev & V. Tertychka, Eds.) (p. 109–117). National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. [in Ukrainian].
Marova, S. F., Khaletska, A. A., & Pavlenko, O. P. (2023). Adaptatsiia derzhavnoi polityky z pytan dovholittia naselennia do umov voiennoho chasu [Adaptation of state policy on issues of population longevity to wartime conditions]. SWorldJournal, 1(18), 111–119. [in Ukrainian].
Korobchynska, Nataliia, & Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Monitoring and evaluation in the field of health care in the system of local self-government. In Teória a prax verejnej správy [Theory and Practice of Public Administration] (p. 211–220). Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress. [in Ukrainian].
Malysh, Nataliia, Moskalenko, Svitlana, & Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Kulturna polityka derzhavy v konteksti zabezpechennia natsionalnoi stiikosti [Public cultural policy in the context of ensuring national resilience]. Elektronne naukove vydannia “Publichne administruvannia ta natsionalna bezpeka” [Electronic Scientific Publication “Public Administration and National Security”], (4). [in Ukrainian].
Khaletska, A. A. (2023). Vidpovidalne ta hlobalne liderstvo dlia staloho rozvytku [Responsible and global leadership for sustainable development]. Publichne upravlinnia ta mytne administruvannia [Public Administration and Customs Administration], (1), 89–93. [in Ukrainian].
Korobchynska, Natalia, & Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Monitorynh ta kontrol u sferi okhorony zdorovia na rivni mistsevoho samovriaduvannia u suchasnykh umovakh [Monitoring and control in the field of health protection at the level of local government under modern conditions]. Naukovyi visnyk Vinnytskoi akademii bezperervnoi osvity. Seriia “Ekolohiia. Publichne upravlinnia ta administruvannia” [Scientific Bulletin of Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education. Series “Ecology. Public Administration”], (3), 111–118. [in Ukrainian].
Practical activity:
Certificate program for veterans: “Leadership and Resilience”, Center for the Leadership of Defenders of Ukraine NaUKMA, Kyiv, 2024.
NAPS of Ukraine Certificate program for veterans: “Professional development of veterans for public service positions and service in local self-government bodies”, IREX, 2023 -2024.
Training courses for directors and deputy directors of schools, heads of branches of supporting institutions in the development of leadership competence, improvement of managerial competences in matters of effective communication and interpersonal interaction, development of social competence, Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, 2020 to 2024.
Trainings for NGOs:
“Public diplomacy and intercultural communication: “Ukraine – Canada” for the National Network for the Development of Local Philanthropy (Charity); trainings for public servants of the “Women's Leadership Academy” in Kyiv Municipal Administration, 2021 - 2022 and others.
Development of the online course “Effective Communication and Conflict Management in Public Service”, Prometeus, 2020.
Trainings for the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ bodies of Ukraine “Communication and interaction of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during the
war”, Kyiv, 2023; and trainings for civil servants of category A, B, Ukrainian School of Governmence, Kyiv, 2018 - 2021.
Scientific interests:
Public administration; Local democracy; Public and cultural diplomacy (City diplomacy); Leadership; Silver economy; European integration; Project management.
Main publications:
Khaletska, Alina. (2024). Henderna rivnist u vymiri publichnoi polityky Ukrainy v umovakh yevrointehratsii: reformy ta zminy [Gender equality in the public policy dimension of Ukraine in conditions of European integration: reforms and changes]. In Zdolność administracyjna państwa członkowskiego i kandydata do Unii Europejskiej: pojęcie, przejawy i determinanty [Administrative capacity of a member state and a candidate to the European Union: concept, manifestations and determinants] (Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Alina Khaletska, Vitalij Kovalchuk [et al.], Eds.) (p. 323–330). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [in Ukrainian].
Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Dyplomatiia mist v umovakh pohlyblennia intehratsiinykh protsesiv [City diplomacy in conditions of deepening integration processes]. In Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries (G. Riabtsev & V. Tertychka, Eds.) (p. 109–117). National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. [in Ukrainian].
Marova, S. F., Khaletska, A. A., & Pavlenko, O. P. (2023). Adaptatsiia derzhavnoi polityky z pytan dovholittia naselennia do umov voiennoho chasu [Adaptation of state policy on issues of population longevity to wartime conditions]. SWorldJournal, 1(18), 111–119. [in Ukrainian].
Korobchynska, Nataliia, & Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Monitoring and evaluation in the field of health care in the system of local self-government. In Teória a prax verejnej správy [Theory and Practice of Public Administration] (p. 211–220). Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress. [in Ukrainian].
Malysh, Nataliia, Moskalenko, Svitlana, & Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Kulturna polityka derzhavy v konteksti zabezpechennia natsionalnoi stiikosti [Public cultural policy in the context of ensuring national resilience]. Elektronne naukove vydannia “Publichne administruvannia ta natsionalna bezpeka” [Electronic Scientific Publication “Public Administration and National Security”], (4). [in Ukrainian].
Khaletska, A. A. (2023). Vidpovidalne ta hlobalne liderstvo dlia staloho rozvytku [Responsible and global leadership for sustainable development]. Publichne upravlinnia ta mytne administruvannia [Public Administration and Customs Administration], (1), 89–93. [in Ukrainian].
Korobchynska, Natalia, & Khaletska, Alina. (2023). Monitorynh ta kontrol u sferi okhorony zdorovia na rivni mistsevoho samovriaduvannia u suchasnykh umovakh [Monitoring and control in the field of health protection at the level of local government under modern conditions]. Naukovyi visnyk Vinnytskoi akademii bezperervnoi osvity. Seriia “Ekolohiia. Publichne upravlinnia ta administruvannia” [Scientific Bulletin of Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education. Series “Ecology. Public Administration”], (3), 111–118. [in Ukrainian].