Viktoriia Khalanchuk

Viktoriia Khalanchuk
Senior lecturer at Andriy Meleshevych Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance
NaUKMA alumna: BD and MA in Political Science (programme track: “European Affairs”), completed a certificate programme “International Human Rights Protection”.
Oxford’s University Diplomatic Studies Programme alumna (2023, Merit). Her Oxford’s dissertation applies doctrinal analysis to identification of the crime of aggression under customary international law.
As a practitioner, she has experience working at a governmental think tank, Ukraine’s parliament and civil service.
For the past few years, was professionally engaged with the issue of national minorities in bilateral relations, particularly with respect to Ukraine’s European integration path. She is a national consultant at the EU and Council of Europe joint project “Support for Implementing European Standards Relating to Anti-Discrimination and Rights of National Minorities in Ukraine”.
Current academic interests include the issue of war in international politics and public international law as well as socio-legal studies in general.
Teaches “EU Policy Making”.
Main publications:
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019). Nazad u maibutnie? Faktor natsionalnykh menshyn u dvostoronnikh vidnosynakh Ukrainy iz zakhidnymy susidamy [Back to the Future? The factor of national minorities in bilateral relations between Ukraine and its Western neighbors]. Zovnishni spravy [UA Foreign Affairs], 29(6–7), 43–48. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019). Ukrainian policy towards Central Asian states: which bridges do we need? UA: Ukraine Analytica, (1), 23–30.
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2024, July 04). Kryve dzerkalo Orbana. Chomu Ukraina ne maie vykonuvaty chastynu vymoh Uhorshchyny [Orban’s crooked mirror. Why Ukraine should not fulfill part of Hungary’s demands]. Yevropeiska pravda [European Truth]. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2022, June 29). Etnichnyi separatyzm ta viina proty Ukrainy: yak ne nashkodyty nevdaloiu terminolohiieiu [Ethnic separatism and the war against Ukraine: How to avoid harm with bad terminology]. Ukrainska pravda [Ukrainian Truth]. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2020, May 08). Ekspertnyi front “hromadianskoi viiny” v Ukraini. Chomu zakhidni naukovi instytutsii dosi nazyvaiut viinu proty nashoi krainy hromadianskym konfliktom, ta yak na tse vidpovidaty [Expert front of the “civil war” in Ukraine. Why Western scientific institutions still call the war against our country a civil conflict, and how to respond to it]. ZN,UA. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019, September 23). Viazannia hachkom. Uhorska natsmenshyna na Zakarpatti u stratehii Uhorshchyny ta yii vidnosynakh z Ukrainoiu [Crochet. The Hungarian national minority in Transcarpathia in the strategy of Hungary and its relations with Ukraine]. ZN,UA. [in Ukrainian].
Snihyr, Olena, & Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019, January 20). Vid mrii do dii. Stratehiia zovnishnoi polityky yak spilna sprava [From dream to action. Foreign policy strategy as a common cause]. ZN,UA. [in Ukrainian].
Oxford’s University Diplomatic Studies Programme alumna (2023, Merit). Her Oxford’s dissertation applies doctrinal analysis to identification of the crime of aggression under customary international law.
As a practitioner, she has experience working at a governmental think tank, Ukraine’s parliament and civil service.
For the past few years, was professionally engaged with the issue of national minorities in bilateral relations, particularly with respect to Ukraine’s European integration path. She is a national consultant at the EU and Council of Europe joint project “Support for Implementing European Standards Relating to Anti-Discrimination and Rights of National Minorities in Ukraine”.
Current academic interests include the issue of war in international politics and public international law as well as socio-legal studies in general.
Teaches “EU Policy Making”.
Main publications:
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019). Nazad u maibutnie? Faktor natsionalnykh menshyn u dvostoronnikh vidnosynakh Ukrainy iz zakhidnymy susidamy [Back to the Future? The factor of national minorities in bilateral relations between Ukraine and its Western neighbors]. Zovnishni spravy [UA Foreign Affairs], 29(6–7), 43–48. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019). Ukrainian policy towards Central Asian states: which bridges do we need? UA: Ukraine Analytica, (1), 23–30.
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2024, July 04). Kryve dzerkalo Orbana. Chomu Ukraina ne maie vykonuvaty chastynu vymoh Uhorshchyny [Orban’s crooked mirror. Why Ukraine should not fulfill part of Hungary’s demands]. Yevropeiska pravda [European Truth]. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2022, June 29). Etnichnyi separatyzm ta viina proty Ukrainy: yak ne nashkodyty nevdaloiu terminolohiieiu [Ethnic separatism and the war against Ukraine: How to avoid harm with bad terminology]. Ukrainska pravda [Ukrainian Truth]. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2020, May 08). Ekspertnyi front “hromadianskoi viiny” v Ukraini. Chomu zakhidni naukovi instytutsii dosi nazyvaiut viinu proty nashoi krainy hromadianskym konfliktom, ta yak na tse vidpovidaty [Expert front of the “civil war” in Ukraine. Why Western scientific institutions still call the war against our country a civil conflict, and how to respond to it]. ZN,UA. [in Ukrainian].
Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019, September 23). Viazannia hachkom. Uhorska natsmenshyna na Zakarpatti u stratehii Uhorshchyny ta yii vidnosynakh z Ukrainoiu [Crochet. The Hungarian national minority in Transcarpathia in the strategy of Hungary and its relations with Ukraine]. ZN,UA. [in Ukrainian].
Snihyr, Olena, & Khalanchuk, Viktoriia. (2019, January 20). Vid mrii do dii. Stratehiia zovnishnoi polityky yak spilna sprava [From dream to action. Foreign policy strategy as a common cause]. ZN,UA. [in Ukrainian].